Bourbon Pundit

I was promised flying cars as a kid. (Also, underground roads.)

Tesla vs. Chef Boyardee pizza

So the top speed of 140 kph on the speedo is... wishful thinking?

A 1977 Ford Granada. Dad bought it brand new. I swear it was in the shop more than we drove it. He never bought a Ford product again.

Heh heh heh... “joint venture”

That was YOU!!!

What is this “commenting online” thing of which you speak?

If he forgets like that again remind him that it’s called “blinker fluid,” not “indicator fluid.”

... except for Toledo, which was almost a part of Michigan.

Shouldn’t the time on his clocks be 4:20?

The tree growing out of it is cool... was that an option? ;)

For some reason, I read that at “ensemble of hockey ruffians.” Which works, too.

I had an ‘07 Nissan Murano that was genuinely fun to drive. I really miss it now, especially compared to what my DD is now (‘15 Chevy Equinox).

#COTD this thread!

Heck, I’m still waiting for my flying car I was promised when I was a kid.

Did the officer apologize after handing him the ticket?

The comment that was so nice, it posted twice.

Have to admit I thought something different when I saw “instant pot.” Still, seems like a good deal.

Have to admit I thought something different when I saw “instant pot.” Still, seems like a good deal.

Best use of a corporate tagline.