
I’ll definitely take some more Channing Tatum rump shaking. Yass.

My mom is a little like this. I actually do think she cares about us in general, but not on a micro level if that makes sense. She gets really bored when I talk to her about issues I’m having with the kids, like big stuff. She barely responds, she’s let me talk for a bit, and then be like, well, I gotta go . . .

Best thing my birth thing ever did was to abandon me at a year old. Sure, if I hadn’t annoyed the neighbors with my crying I could have died since she never came back and locked the deadbolt behind her...

My story is second hand:

Good thing your life doesn't depend on reading the body language of big cats.

You are saying that summary execution is a just consequence for running for your life in America. Is that what you mean to be saying? Because it's what you are saying.

So I'm black.

Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.

Just two things of note

it's impossible to understate how poorly this stuff reflects on the US to outsiders. a while ago I had someone from Kenya ask me about all the cop shootings going on back home, saying how horrible it is. you know things are bad when someone from Kenya shows you sympathy for shit happening in your home country.

“If he had lived, I would have had a dad. And that would have been an incredible experience.”

By that logic, wouldn't a successful Batman movie require us to watch him building the Batmobile, or getting on the phone to some company that makes boomerangs and ordering another 200 of the custom bat-shaped models?

I don't think comic book movies (especially not DC movies in the short term) are apt to risk it, but you could totally tell a spectacular nonlinear story with an unreliable narrator. Just picture the works of Gilliam, or Shyamalan (never thought I'd put those two in the same list), or even Nolan. Think of stylish

That's HarLeia Quinn and Jokerlorian to you. ;-)

I can't be the only one who thinks using "hallucinated while on drugs" is cheating and defeats the whole purpose of the exercise.

The author of the Vice article just seems very immature: Numerous relationship partners did not meet your requirements, but you continued the relationship every time? She has vowed to never give another person oral forever. Forever is a long time, girl.

? But this is about a woman that thinks she is owed being eaten out. There was no argument that guys are entitled to being blown. That she wants it only one way is her prerogative. But it also reflects that she's just a shitty person.

Same here. It's always disappointing when you click an interesting sounding link and it's just a posting of a video. It's lazy journalism.

My partner now is actually much older than me, by 17 years! People can call it creepy all they want, but my relationship is healthy and stable. Creepy is continually seeking out a specific age group regardless of individual personality traits, not dating an unlikely partner.