
That’s no (Keith) Moon!

Little conceited, there, Brie. Not that they’re not trying to impress you, but the thing is, they’re trying to impress EVERYONE. ALL THE TIME.

I would submit that backing a trailer up without experience should also be considered...

When I was a kid we moved to a new town halfway across the country. We moved during the summer, too, so I couldn’t rely on starting school to meet new folks. Really didn’t help that my brother ditched me any chance he got either.
I’d started getting pretty down about the whole situation, everyone in the town seemed

David Simon was responsible for Homicide:Life in the Street and The Wire. I know the word “gritty” is probably cliched but it comes to mind, along with well written and containing a lot of humor, albeit dark. It should be pretty good, especially if David draws his cast members from the other shows. There were truly

You know, in the original show, I never, ever, ever got the feeling Kermit loved Miss Piggy.

I’m with you guys. Admittedly I was the only one laughing at it in my house, but I really liked it. It’s kind of weird to say that too, because I wasn’t going to watch it initially and I REALLY don’t like The Office.

It’s like that stupid show about the Geico Cavemen. You can’t mimic the Office like Greg Daniels and Michael Schur and hope to replicate it. The Office was about life within the mindless drudgery. Parks and Recreation was about getting out there and making your community a better place. What the hell are they going to

I really think nostalgia is the mind killer here. I liked seeing these characters in a contemporary setting dealing with the issues they were dealing with in mockumentary format. I thought it was very funny.

Me too. Loved it to little pieces.

Now playing

I disagree. The show reminded me so much of the movies which always had more adult humor slipped in. (In Muppets Take Manhattan Rizzo hit on Brooke Shields asking her if she believed in “interspecies relationships.” To which Shields said without a blink, “Do you mean have I ever dated a rat? Yeah, I have.” Even as a

I think the reason people associate the muppets with “gentle humor and good natured goofiness” because of Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, etc.

I’m with you. Nostalgia clouding mindsit seems.

It’s odd. I’d read so many terrible things about the premiere, that I think I liked it because of my lowered expectations.
The part of The Muppets, as a property, that I love so much, stayed in tact. I am talking about the supporting players. Things like Electric Mayhem, and Bobo were as good as they usually are.

I think you might need this T-shirt.

While it was admittedly hit and miss, I have to say I’m shocked by the overly (and over-the-top) negative reactions. I kind of liked it, thought it was funny, and will keep tuning in. But apparently I’m one of the only ones. Which is just so odd to me.

Wow.. I uh, had the opposite reaction.. I think its really great..

I dunno, I think I’d advise against most decisions (including switching to monogamy) that required an “ocean of red wine” to reconcile oneself too.

Don’t forget about the part in the article where she stayed over some bro’s house overnight and he got scared to death. But all good, because she apologized!

More than likely.