
I grew up on well water and have terrible teeth, I spent 7k at the dentist in the past year. I’m sure part of it’s genetic but growing up with non fluoridated water didn’t help at all.

Your sister’s story brightened what is otherwise a truly crummy day. Thank you.

I live in Portland, the largest municipality that does not fluoridate it’s water. The offspring eats a chewable fluoride tablets and we all use fluoride rinse.

omg that ending story. VERY ENDEARING, 10/10

“I’m now mortified that that mortified me” - This is amazing. Mostly because it’s true.

OMG that’s so sweet

That picture is not a black bear and it shouldn’t bother me but it kinda does.

Hot take: Rosé sucks

Nope. She makes fun of herself for her weird desires (like to be a witch, with a hump back, and a claw), she makes fun of drinking culture, she makes fun of how girls are “too cool” for coats in the 20s, and her WWII joke is how we infantalize our grandparents... when Pip-pop or whatever lame white girl nick name we

Schumer steals jokes and lacks any sort of improv skills whatsoever.

I have no idea why I read “bead facial” as “fecal facial” a few times. Wait—I think I’m on to the next big thing.

And install it LOW TO THE GROUND, NOT ON THE CEILING. CO2 is a heavy gas, it doesn’t rise like hot air.

“Can we get over this?”

Has anyone ever bitten a Skittle in half? I realise that generally they just get dumped into the mouth with a funnel, but if you bit into one, the mixture of sugar, thickeners and flavourings inside the crispy shell is a white, uncoloured paste. So Skittles are basically white sugary paste painted different colours

What “commonly held side” are you talking about? This is a bold new frontier of intellectual property law.

CO, not CO2.

Just a general PSA that the smell of smoke will not wake you up from sleeping. A lot of people think that they’ll be able to wake up if there is ever a fire in their house in the middle of the night, but the opposite is actually true. Smoke inhalation will deepen your sleep. Your best defense against fire is a working

Hey, not every movie can be Crash.

No. Just, no. She’s not being smacked down because she’s a “pretty white girl.” No one here is “jealous.” She’s being smacked down because she was being an abusive piece of shit who violated the privacy of an old woman and got caught. This was no “momentary lapse in judgement.” This was being an entitled asshole with