
Colorado is mostly a blue state and Texas would be too without gerrymandering

I am on the regular in consumer packaging. Mentioned this in a different thread but just yesterday a supplier patted me on the head and gave me a purse. More seriously, my boss’s boss sexually harrassed all the women on the team on the regular and he was demoted but kept on the team working with me. He continued to

You probably work for one of my suppliers. If so, know that when that one millennial chick visits (there’s only one of me- our competitors don’t have any), she’s trying to make eye contact with you in solidarity because she gets it. Fist bump!

Consumer packaged goods here. Before this I worked in oil and gas. I have experienced so much more sexism in CPG than oil and gas- made worse because I can go an entire week interacting with only men. Today for example I was called little miss and given a purse as a gift by a supplier.

The interesting thing is China is dumping solar technology in developing countries like Myanmar. You see not reliable grid there but plenty of renewables

I come from the utility industry (and also can say the AR PUC chairman is not progressive so his statement is telling). We have been planning for renewables for decades and will not be reversing those choices. CA is on trend to be renewable only by 2045, CO/WA/OR soon to follow. Companies like Lockheed and Tesla have

TapeAngel here. In 7th grade, some popular guy at my school pretended to come on to me on AIM, telling me he liked short girls cause they didn’t need to kneel to give head. I didn’t understand what head was. Or why I called myself TapeAngel

I negotiate contracts for a living and 6 months isn’t even that long

So true! My plastic surgeon was the most ethical doctor I’ve had ever. Refused to prescribe more than 5 days of opioid painkillers unless I was in extreme pain, had cutting edge outpatient care and scare management techniques, refused to do anything to my body that would appear unnatural (not that I asked to, for the

True but she’s young and had terrible parents teaching her. I’ll give her another 5 years

If anything, it makes Netflix look good, especially the bit allowing them to keep it open until the end of the original run

It has. That’s why in California you see BPA containers saying “known to cause birth defects.” It’s also worth noting that plastic is used a lot in coatings, especially for acidic food/liquid that could corrode the container. For example, soda cans have trace BPA, though they’re working on removing it to comply with

Fuckity fuck fuck

They definitely saw the truck, but were more concerned by their bro fight. In all seriousness, looks like a territorial/power dispute and if one cat stopped, it could be life or death

You can’t apply for short term disability to get partial payment for 6 weeks?

Honestly, if your migraines are so bad that you’re a candidate, I’d give it a whirl. Botox is temporary, so even if it migrated or hit the wrong place, that would last 3 months, with only a few weeks of “peak effect.” So, what’s worse? Frequent migraines or a temporary droopy eye or something?

I think it’s more that because they’re coy about it, people assume you can look that good without plastic surgery, so people don’t accept aging and look upon people who look their age with disdain.

If what she’s saying is true, which sources are saying isn’t, then it was Ambien. My Ambien doesn’t explicitly state not to mix on the bottle, though it does say that online on my CVS account.

A great way to help right now is to look at the Amazon wish lists for local charities, like the other animal shelters in Texas taking in abandoned pets. That way, you’re giving them exactly what they need and subvert the issues with Red Cross

I can’t listen at work, but can y’all confirm it’s got the same voice over as the podcast, because he has the creepiest voice