
That’s... not true. Signed, a person who works in the industry. If I saw the can, I could tell you exactly where it was canned (not bottled) but I’ll tell you it was either in the south, like Georgia, or Midwest, like Ohio.

Ketchup and BBQ sauce are what he should actually be concerned about. After seeing ketchup made, I haven’t gone near that stuff

As crazy as Tracy Anderson is with her diet advice, her workouts actually work. I love doing the bootleg YouTube versions when I’m on business trips and don’t have equipment

This is especially true because he’s foreign. No country would allow a foreign spouse of a queen to outrank her, especially a Frenchie like him

I’ve recently come to the same realization! I’m using a food app that tracks calorie quality, mostly because I’m worried about sodium and calcium intake. Since I started tracking, I have noticed a little bit of weight loss, but wouldn’t admit that to anyone because I feel like it’s not something you can be proud of

This is so much more refreshing than Cup of Jo’s series of upper class white women with creative jobs that don’t support them.

Beautiful?!?! He looks like a British Guy Fieri

As someone who. A thrall you had less than 32As, it was an important scene for me too to realize you could be attractive to men without them.

I feel like Collins is really becoming the big star in all of this. After her hot mic thing, I would totally vote for her if she was in my district.

At least now I have an excuse not to visit my family!

That’s because it was intentional. Way back when it was gerrymandered, the state democrats protested by slightly altering the shape til it looked like a penis. This is actually true and became the subject of controversy for a while there

Jealous of your resolve! My company just ended the “investigation” into a senior colleague who says stuff like “I wish more women had traditional gender values,” “I wouldn’t send you to X but would send your male colleague because women can’t handle it,” and “Mexicans just don’t work hard like Americans.” He no longer

My admin just screamed: “the juice is loose, hide your wives and your knives!”

Sperm donor. I have a source. It was not a surprise, but planned

The leather street shoe is amazing. And their purses.

I have bad genes for teeth too. Your dentist can apply a varnish yearly, it costs $35 without insurance. I highly recommend it to prevent future problems, like the 10 cavities I’ve had despite glossing and brushing twice daily and wearing a night guard

Ha! Glad we’re on the same page :)

This is different as you are still getting fluoride. The fluoride deniers are the problem

Bless you

The water contains fluoride in most municipalities and it’s because of a public health initiative to improve oral health, akin to adding iodine to table salt. This does not negate using fluoride in your toothpaste. But let me know how your Tom’s toothpaste and oil pulling turned out in 20 years