apothocaire d'cajun

I was horrified watching thinking the outrage was that he was marrying the Mother to get to the daughter...I know, cynical much? How lovely to see, in the article, that it was the oh so beautiful brides skin color and widowness that made it "outrageous". Whew. Is this good or bad? Or just reality?

I have viewed this several times and it gets me Every time! No cry as good as a life affirming, we aren't horrible humans cry.

If she was totally honest, why doesn't she mention her breast augmentation? In Kathy Griffins book, she mentions that Lisa wasn't getting a casting attention back in the Groundling days, so she was going blonde and getting bigger breasts. Well, it worked.

Voice, sense of humor, mouth.

Creepy and beautiful. The dexterity to make such stitches is amazing. I am terribly near sighted, I assumed that my eyes were not useful for transplant. I was wrong.

I'll bring the chocolates, now I must go find out more of this new found history.

Happy thoughts!


I believe she lost her Mother to cancer.

As a lifelong Cajun, which means that onions go in everything. Usually cooked down to carmelly goodness. I occasionally give my dogs leftovers. Does cooked onions have the same effect? I haven't heard of any Cajun dog having problems...

Good point. Where is the Justice!

Indeed! So Riight!

Oh, and fuck the murderous Jenny McCarthy. The damage she has wrought in her search for fame and publicity is repugnant.

I am constantly grossed out at the continuance of the horribly Rascist name. I am very pleased that some journalist are refusing to even say the name! Then I read the reaction of real First Nations a nutshell, the overwhelming poverty, rape, and lack of human necessities overwhelm my white indignation.

Good story. I simultaneously envy and worship you.

I do not know how to embed, but I am a Lady who is driven to lust males with deep voices...a la Benedict...I was thinking Dave from Depeche Mode, Sam Elliot-in general...Brendan past two future ex lover...

I get it...

Thank you!

The otter calls sounds like demonic children laughter, and I like it.

Who is this? Now, I must hear the voice!