Well, thank you for clarifying. I nearly had a heart attack. Bullet films moved its offices to BR, but still film in Lafayette.
Well, thank you for clarifying. I nearly had a heart attack. Bullet films moved its offices to BR, but still film in Lafayette.
I just spent the evening reading those tropes. Fascinating, hysterical and quite cruel. Thanks for sharing.
When did True Blood film in Lafayette?
Hell, I am a straight girl, and she churned my butter, metaphorically.
That would make sense. It's not the best movie about Louisiana, but it has some good bits.
This, see, is another reason I am glad to not have children.
If we are going with rumor. Mickey and Lisa in Angel Heart.
He has a very interesting face, lots of angles and planes. Also the lips are extreme with the biggest cupids' bow ever. Add a very rich and deep voice with great acting. I find him ever so dreamy, when he keep his entitlement in check.
I don't know, I find the color of his hair on Sherlock looks horrible, looks like he is wearing a dead rat on his head. I wish he would keep his mouth shut a bit more. My ladyboner is a fragile and impetuous organ.
Kim K's laser. (She's Armenian!)
Those pussies were color coordinated too, oy vey!
Stubble licker. Now that freaks me out.
You might be on to something there.
I really don't think she got a deal. Some "DJ/Producer" conned out of five figures to make her pop dreams come true. Her music is not even listenable. I feel bad for her to be so delusional.
Isn't it typical for the victim to excuse the abuser? "I was worried about him." "People are going to think he's a monster" Just sad, I hope she gets some time and space. I hope that one day she will be able to share with her fans, that Love is not his fist in your face.
That is one badass singer/player...I am tres impressed. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for your kind words. I am still not over it, I lost the last 25 yrs of my art. Video, Photos, Slides and most of my film school 16mm. My equipment I had been collecting for projecting and editing. All my notebooks with my scripts and stories. It still makes me sick to think of something and remember…
I tried to find evidence of it on the WWW, but I was not succesful. I would post pics, but I lost my entire Anthropological collection to a fire in my studio, two years ago. No, I am not recovered. TOTE is one of the only sites in the UK that is not under the screws of the the Heritage Ruling/Sites...The…
I really want him to do time, c'mon using your brothers id to get a drivers' license?
You have the style and elegance of a young Jackie O, didja know? FabUlous.