apothocaire d'cajun

That kid was hittin' the straw pretty hard...

This! I doubt she was the only victim. I applaud her for coming forth with her truth, but couldn't she go just a bit further and attempt to remove an abuser from his access to the public.

Mrs Gideon, many thanks for the share. I was unfamiliar to this genius. I just laughed my cramps away. Many you smothered in kitten kisses and puppy daydreams.

I read that the car service was provided, she decided to drive herself/assistant. The car service was following her, hence the ability to make the getaway with the mysterious pink bag. I am way too old to know this.

I like the way you think lady Arabella, the smile in Pride and Pred. when he realizes his Lizzy found her match...awwwwwwwhhhhhhh... yum

Nope, young lady. Donald Sutherland, back in the day, was a interesting hot piece of ass. look no further then Animal House and Kate Bush's video for Cloudbursting....i would site more examples, but I am hammered drunky...

wow, what a change a nose job must hurt to cut away half of your nose. Owwwwwww. I bet the pain killers are sweeeeeet.

Man, y'all are making me so miss my Seattle with these posts/memory spurings! I used to manage a store called Vison X that was under the Vivace on Broadway. I never got tired of the aromas of all stages of coffee and its preparations. Coffee and the best blueberry bud. Ah, the 90s' and Capitol Hill.

Sorry to inform you, but Ms Harris wrote the character of Quinn with the Vin in mind. I think it would be a great inside joke upon casting to cast him, not that they are gonna follow the story bookwise.

You are very welcome, and I love your name. Interweb hug.

I agree, Steve-o was so courageous. The memoir was horrifying, touching and intense. Talk about soul baring. For the record it was Chris Pontius that drank the horse semen, not Steve-O. The previous sentence is one of the strangest I have ever written.

I quit watching professional tennis when the grunter, shrieker and overall horrible noises became commonplace. I used to be ranked as an amateur in my teens, I love tennis. Simply cannot, will not watch it now.

What in the holy hell of a giant is his partner? If Jose is 6' 4...I always felt kinda bad for the dude. Sure he narced out his fellow steroid users, but they are ones that lied, to the league and the government.

I wish some peace for you and your family. And thousand of internet hugs.

The Jerseylicious is completely staged. I read an expose that told of all the stylists, not one actually worked at the Shop, except for filming days. I know, shocked right?

I used Dermablend -it is an old school scar covering makeup, for my BFFs' wedding. Please make sure you match it up to the skin before leaving the counter.

How friggin' adorable. What a romantic and kind gesture, good for y'all to have found each other! My heart just grew a couple sizes. Thank you for sharing.

I didn't know Mark Ruffallo started in "Pipin" .

YES! plus you used whilst, I think I love you.

I thought she was outstanding in "Songcatcher" when she was young. Sure it wasn't a mega movie, but told a real story of American history. Janet McTeer and the divine Aidan Quinn.