
Shocked she's in her 50s!

You know the meat between Baldwin and Walters would be more fun.

And isn’t Burneko still copy/pasting recipes from a Google search while mad-libbing “fuck” into every sentence?

Irony. Just tell those foreigners to deal with it.

Click bait article. We all fell for it and now feed the machine of spiraling gawker quality.


You're running in circles without a clear path.

Why are you taking the bait?


Damn... +1

The eyes of your ex are upon you...


yeah, I was just as excited when I saw the Human Torch do this decades ago.

Methodical like the patriots offense.


You are just precious.

pretty sure you're kind of an attention whore. Generally or whatever you're harping on. Also, pretty odd way of letting go of this topic if you reply to every single person in this thread.

Touchdown, Jesus.

This looks like the World War Z of 2015. And if the director of Compliance is the main selling point...jeez.

Manziel has a cocaine problem too?