
Are you talking about Superman? Or Batman? If you're going to bring up the racial aspect of comic book representation.

not silly, I'm sure most immediately thought of the Justice League seven first with the seven seas coming right after (especially clever tagline with Aquaman).

You literally could switch out the word don't in your second sentence for those who defend MoS. Blaming Goyer is valid to an extent, but isn't the only source of the film's deficiencies. I do agree that the actors did their best with how the script as well as direction dictated.

People don't mind dark/serious. The Winter Soldier was a complete 180 in degrees of severity and it was a huge hit with the box office, audience and the critics. The problem people had and will be cautiously critical with the Justice universe is how Snyder lumbered with MoS. It was a chore to watch.

Paddle has a passive aggressive agenda. He's scattered all over the comment section.

please keep Snyder away from the treasure that is Helen Mirren. I've the oddest erection for Commish Jemma Gordon.

it was a pretty looking mess.

To be fair, he is/was a talented man and more importantly a great sales/business man...but even more creative talent-wise were the immense stable of creators he was fortunate to be surrounded by.

That's understandable.

the Stan Lee effect. And I love the man.

But why? Is the endgame glory and fame? Or the lasting impact to society or even just the one person truly moved by your gift?

Scott Glenn as STICK!!!!!!!! I just swooned.

Both attempts at acting are cringe worthy. It's even more embarrassing for Mr.Neeson to be on equal footing with Upton for crap mobile games.

yep. Basically three athletic types. I'm interested in how far they'll portray the power levels of Starfire and Raven.

Over/under on Deadspin articles overlooking the Patriots winning an amazingly entertaining super bowl and focusing on deflate gate?

can't think of any worse than that pass playcall.

Rusty and Jonas embracing tenderly really caught me off guard and reminded me how deftly the writers can go from action comedy bang bangs to sweet and touching.

Now that's a sensible post Breaker. But this whole theory that you have about fanboys critical of the Snyder/WB DCU as proponents for their destruction or being unjust for some pathological motive?

If Agent Carter can pull off a Whizzer appearance and not make it unintentionally hilarious? Give them a damn Emmy.

Just wait until fan fic writers ship the sisters like those Winchester siblings.