
Excellent post. And for the MoS/Snyder apologist/zealots to call out any and all fans who were even a bit critical to the DCU as haters just saddens me. We all want the best Superman representation on screen, not another reboot in five years. Spider Man is in the same boat IMO.

Excuse me Meredith, but perhaps the raptors aren't the pets but rather partners/surrogate family with Pratt's character?

Yes. YES. YES.

Dude, sometimes you just NAIL it in your angry posts. I savor your good moments like a good scotch.

Would you rather force in a hastily made/unplanned $150 million budgeted movie about a woman of color for PC sake that ends up horribly written/produced/reviewed/financially disastrous?

It's hilarious that Snyder/Goyer are trying to pull this off as "part of the plan". They were not expecting such a backlash/criticism and basically have to go out of their way to appease audience and saving face.

If you mean fucking tearing one's eyes out...

Looks like Brandy Maxxx, Pawnee's proud porn protagonist

did you confuse this comment section for ProFootballTalk?

Here comes the overly sensitive/protective DC zealots claiming io9 and now Honest Trailers are out to get DC properties and are on Marvel's payroll.

You sure showed the Rams!

Pot meet kettle...

You sincerely are jumping the gun.

Yes, let's find out if the real stars of this film is a Rolly Droid and a new lightsaber.

That's some impressive over reacting.

What're you talking about?

Make Constantine the bastard he is. Stop with the forced messy tie shtick. Kill off Zed for a meaningful impact and further the Constantine mantra of those closest to him suffer. Take Goyer out of the production and lock him in solitary confinement.

Ma'am, that trailer was absolutely perfect. I'm shocked how I didn't even realize this film was being made until now, especially with such a knock out/spot on cast.

the show was losing me FAST with the first few episodes. This is a decent step in the right direction (maybe because I loved the comic this episode draws its inspiration) but I fear budgetary and network TV restrictions (Goyer doesn't help) may be too much of an obstacle to a right proper Constantine. Would've loved

yeah, he's awful compared to Ray Lewis & Rice, Greg Hardy and Adrian Peterson.