
It was such a love/hate relationship with Voyager. I will say they shit the bed with the series finale. Oh, and Neelix, what a waste of airtime.

Marvel characters have always been more than a formidable match to their Distinguished Competition.

A near flawless troll. Well done.

I'm losing steam on this show already. I've got the episode on DVR, should I just gut through hoping for a second half recovery?

bruno heller furiously writing this idea down...

I don't understand those shoulder pads/chest plate?!

It is incredibly bewildering to read a Burneko article with a straight face when he's criticizing another chef on recipe quality, even when it's involving Paula Deen.

I was kidding. And I think you are too.

Locutus of Borg?

scorpion and it isn't even close. Flash may not jive well with audiences.

Well that escalated quickly on your part.


This could work. No movie plots to hold season 2 back for a big reveal, a cast that should gel together after a bumpy first 2/3rd of a season, and guest stars that I love. This could work.

my body is ready.

Just wait for the uncomfortable delousing scene to that stormtrooper.

Well, a large, confusing and tacky design. So Snyder.

good find!

whoa...mind blown

Super foreshadowing.

Nails...cursed by vengeful Roman or Celt deities/demons/witches/warlocks. Easy enough addition to make it Hollywood worthy.