It sure beats standing in line at the dmv too!
It sure beats standing in line at the dmv too!
I know that in Wisconsin you can register a car from your phone via the dmv website. This way you can see if a car is registrable on the spot before you give anyone money. I wonder this is the same in Michigan.
Never heard of it, but looks awesome! +1
Me too, I say NP, but just barely
Please please please have a six speed manual!
This must be bad news for Infiniti who just recently called every one of their cars Q - something
I didn't notice that but great spot on the lighter! This just made the car go from 2x crack pipe to 3x crack pipe
These answers are great because I learned about 8 new cars that I haven't known about before (specifically 1 - 8)
My eyes!
This is one of my all time favorites! I think it's a hundred times better looking than a Veyron.
I didn't think about Lamborghini when I came up with that name, but now that you mention it, a Lambo truck would be awesome!
I always thought Matador would make a cool truck name
So basically, for us plebeians, we are limited to the WRX and Focus ST.
I agree. The front looks extra sexy, yet the rear looks like an Optima from two generations ago.
This thing is sweet!! It reminds me of a modern Lancia Stratos in a way.
I used to own one of these! It definately underachieved at everything, especially reliability.
+1 for using 'tensile strength' correctly
Lol I was thinking more in the lines of 'personal pleasure device' but Christmas light works too
Yes! I would actually love some of these as a stocking stuffer
If you google fuelshark the first link is a jalopnik article that explains the product fairly well (maybe a little biased).