bottleofrichardcream: now with double the cream

I accept that I am racist, although I never say the “N” word, and never wear sheets.

Now this is a good comment.


Pretty sure they are just doubling down on their “science”.

There is a dude in the Philly area who wants to send money to Assad to gas some people.

Come on, my brothers.

Damn. Rough story all around.

Ladies of Jez.

That gif is mesmerizing.

Dude, I hate Trump, but can you knock it off with the misogyny?

Baseball and hockey have the most racist athletes. Period.

Off topic, but anyone seen recognitions around today?

I think I ran into Paul at Micky’s in West Hollywood. He was super drunk and standing on the bar going, “I don’t have to be gay to drink here, queens!” and everybody was rolling.

I’m sure a ladies website appreciates you talking about your porn proclivities.

Can vouch.

This is all part of the plan.

Are you by chance a homosexual black man in the Detroit area?

Did you used to have an account called JudasIscaredycat or something?

 I remain convinced that you are a Delco tool.