
But then why write about your experiences before interviewing the subject of this story/post? It's like you're trying to have it both ways. On the one hand you acknowledge that your story pales in comparison to the other stories of the people who lived the trauma and that you do not feel like you deserve sympathy. But

Are we supposed to feel sympathy for this woman?

-Remember that time I wrote a poorly-worded and confusing email to you that was just a hair under the length of the Infinite Jest?

-I do, ole chap! I had such a silly haircut back then. Welp, let's bury the hatchet and get back to completely ruining the entire fucking world.

Listen, I definitely agree with you on all points... But there is one that oughtta have a little more nuance. Sure, badly written fluff should not be part of this debate, BUT why are topics typically discussed in "chic lit" off the table for serious literature. Let's ask Margaret Atwood, Annie Proulx or Donna Tartt.

I read The Corrections, and there are some redeeming qualities to the story. But I've had enough of the English professor has an affair with a student bullshit that seems inescapable in the current literary landscape.

....I don't know.....Good in Bed is pretty awful.

HA. All of a sudden its about "the children". Please. You know the sniveling has reached critical mass when people start crying about what "the children" will think. Not everything in life has to be a fucking teachable moment. If you're going to get all pearl-clutchy, tell them life ain't fair and not everyone

OR. Maybe "deflategate" was allot of horse shit and media overreation? And false reporting


I'm not disgusted by what he did- I just thought it was unfunny- but I am appalled that Baldwin did something so selfish that hurt the team.

I can't figure out the tone or motivation of this column.

Um, well, the "death tax" is sort of a Republican invented nonsense phrase for an implement of wealth distribution that actually has a pretty noble aim of keeping money out of the hands of the idiot spoiled children of the rich

Actually, it's about exits in games journalism.

Suspicious? No. I know why it happens. And while I know many women who do it (myself included) I know many women who don't. It's not about whether you should or shouldn't, that's not for anyone to judge. We're at the point where it's no longer expected and people have free will, so really it should be a non-issue

I think it reinforces the fact that women should be able to do whatever they want without being judged for it.

...Abbot Kinney? A run down neighborhood?

Yes to all of this. But also, I just wanted to mention how much I miss her "Reno 911" character, Clementine.

Seriously people its a kid, a tiny kid, kids act out, the parents are egging her on for a laugh shes not going to turn out to be a violent psycho or nothing, for fecks sake what a bunch of dryshites.

I don't think so at all. The physical burden of the mattress is strenuous, sure. But think of how walking in with a mattress will disrupt every class she goes to. How much room it takes up in an elevator. How it will slow/block traffic on a stairwell. Hell, how many people will be made uncomfortable by asking