
Kaylee wore it better AND she had Captain Tightpants to escort her.

But that's just it: their view is ridiculous, and framing it as two opposite-but-equally-valid points of view is a bit... silly, in all honesty. It's like framing evolution versus creationism as a legit debate.

It's a pretty balanced article because it glosses over all of the evil shit that terfs have done to and said about trans women.

Because placing the burden of the foster care system on people whose only commonality is that their reproductive organs don't work properly is bullshit and makes no sense. And singling them out as over indulgent if they don't want to adopt a kid who will likely be older and have special needs puts them in a class that

While I agree there are many, many kids in the foster care system in the US, a huge number of those kids are not "adoptable". The goal of most, if not all, foster care systems is to reunite children with their biological family. So, for someone looking to adopt a child, foster care isn't always a great option because

The notion that the burden of adopting children stick in the system is primarily the responsibility of couples who have trouble conceiving without medical assistance is ignorant, short sighted, and downright discriminatory. There are not healthy babies languishing in the system. There are older special needs children

Some people love Pedro, other hate him. People in Boston grew tired of his diva act but he was a hellacious competitor and was the single most entertaining starter in baseball during his time in Boston. That game gave me chills. I was scared to death of The Yankees seeing him twice in the ALCS. Truly a remarkable

#1. That method takes 5x longer. #2. I'd end up with cream cheese all over the place. #3. If I attempted it, I'd end up with about 15 chunks of bread all over the counter and no bagel.

Because the only time he's called that is during the Men's World Cup. It's basic context. If he was brought up during the Women's World Cup they would use the men's qualifier. It's just basic speech and leaving off unnecessary qualifiers. During the men's world cup do you seriously expect them to incorporate

Elsewhere than the comment section to the article?

Yeah it's fucking nonsense because it demands equal comparison between men and women when they don't play in things that are comparable because they don't directly compete. Take the soccer example. Landon Donovan is our top scorer in men's soccer where he's competing in a game dominated by Europeans and South

"he displayed some of the dignity and grace we know he possesses"

TR: Sure! I'll be happy to turn over incriminating evidence that would ruin my career and potentially send me to prison.

Seeing all the disappointment expressed by the Game actually makes me glad Twitter didn't exist when I was growing up.

I don't understand this comment. Does she mean Tesla Motors, the one that makes electric cars? Or Tesla the dude that came up with all kinds of awesome inventions but was a total douchebag? WTF does Tesla have to do with intergalactic space travel, besides that one of the principal investors in the company Tesla

What's wrong with being courteous in the gym? You can't pick up your mess or put your weights back when you are done? There is not one thing in this infographic that is unreasonable at all. Period.

Black Mirror. It doesn't just show the dark side of life and technology, it shows the side that your mind doesn't want to go to, that you protect yourself from seeing. That said, it's amazing and worth watching if you can take it.

injuries happen. But they also can happen in dog walking, beach volleyball, or the company softball game.

No exercise program is 100% safe; however, the percentage of safety in an arm curl is significantly higher than an olympic snatch. I'm athletic: play a variety of sports and lift weights. After a year of reading and watching form and cues from good strength & conditioning coaches for, and performing, hang cleans, I