
I’m intrigued because it looks so cheesy.

It lost something in the second season. Is It Cake, on the other hand, is perfect. 

Ryan Reynolds personally chose him. I'd say his faith trumps any trepidation we as fans should have. 

To say nothing of the people who will harass her and her family for years to come claiming she is some kind of crisis actor, a government plant, or just because she dares speak out on this at all.

Yup. Congress is going to make this poor young girl relive her trauma only for republicans to do absolutely nothing to make retraumizing her worth it. This is what it has come to. GOP adults need to hear trauma porn from kids, just to make them feel something about protecting kids in schools. It’s unjustifiable.

Do nothing? 5 bucks, a few will go on to proclaim how they stood up to this ‘crisis actress’ and all her lies.

All I can think is how damaging it will be for Miah - piling trauma on top of trauma - when she goes up to D.C. to tell the most powerful people about the worst day of her life, and they will still do nothing about it.

Yeah I coulda sworn it was Seth Rogan. Had to look it up and was baffled by Braff.

One thing I’ve definitely liked about the Disney era is that they make sure Darth Vader is the scariest, most brutal motherfucker in the room every time he shows up.

When he dragged Obi-Wan through the fire using the Force, I was like “JESUS!!!”

Better than the second episode, but it’s still just so silly. The Stormtroopers are searching for a Jedi but their superiors never showed them a photo of said Jedi? How did they ever plan to find him? And Vader just lets Obi Wan get away because he somehow can’t figure out how to go around or through some flames on

“When I left you, I was but a learner.  Now, I am the one that imparts information to others!”

They say this every time, yet they never seem to be able to find the time. When is the time? Let us know and we’ll mark it on the calendar. Otherwise, just say never and we’ll plan accordingly.

When Sandy Hook happened I thought we might finally do something meaningful about gun control in this country.

When Sandy Hook happened I thought we might finally do something meaningful about gun control in this country. Because it was preventable just like this tragedy was preventable and the next one will be, too. But no. Republicans would rather sacrifice children to the cult of the NRA and the Second Amendment than even

I fucking can’t with this. Sandy Hook couldn’t change anything. My friends being murdered in Pulse couldn’t change anything. I really don’t think anything can change this or stop this, at least not anything American politicians would consider and the American public would allow. And so all of these people and goddamn

It’s OK to speak out against bigotry.

Laws have recently been put in place to deny trans people rights.

Transphobic can also mean hating trans people.

It’s not even “not being an asshole,” it’s “not being a bigot.”
