
I’m a white woman with a white collar, six figure job that gives me tons of flexibility for breastfeeding. I also have a husband who is an excellent father and does his share.

I wish Democrats would weaponize something. :(

I love Michelle Obama, but I hate her “they go low, we go high” quote.

Same in Loki. The variant could look like anyone and be any gender. 

Kind of feels like No Way Home clearly demonstrated that variants don’t all have to look exactly the same.

I would like America Chavez to find me a universe without slideshows.

I just really enjoy the idea that it looks like Richards was the one who possibly invented the Ultron bots in 838, and that he actually got them to work.

 We're never going to stop laughing at you. 

Die mad about it.

He’s a delight on Sex Education. Funny, warm, energetic, expressive. I think this is a nice fit.

PSA: It’s pronounced “Shooty”. 

I’d like to imagine that the dregs of internet that were celebrating the woman being gone imploded completely now

He’s going to be great. He has the right energy. It’s just going to be so weird not to see Eric at the start. Especially since next season of Sex Education is still coming and may come around the same time.

Fuck yes, he’s one of my favorites from Sex Education so I'm going to enjoy this.

He’s so successful playing a kid that I forget he’s almost thirty. I found the storylines he was given in Sex Education were often kind of one note but he still pulled them off very well. So I’m definitely interested to see how he does with this.

After No Mow May comes Pay HOA Fines June...

Should [Trump] involve himself again in the lead-up to November, Whaley will likely have cause for concern...I’d argue given the recent results, the state is approaching magenta, and “frustrated” is an understatement.

Thanks, that hyphen was bugging me... And I’m absolutely annoying and pedantic about these things! *shouts impotently from the greys*

You’re not being annoying or pedantic.  It’s generally up to us commenters to do a cursory google search for actual facts after reading Jex articles nowadays :/

The comment below you literally used both incorrect facts that you corrected here, so I don’t think it’s pedantic when they’re legitimate corrections that (obviously) needed to be highlighted!