
For those in blue states, they should these as an occasion to push hard for their state governments to codify explicit protection of women’s reproductive rights into state law (if they haven’t done so already), as well as “sanctuary” laws to protect women who come from other states to get abortions. Women in red

I’d give this view more credit if the evangelicals weren’t trying to play the exact same card in reverse?

Satanists have been making the same argument, abortion is a religious right. I believe there’s currently a court case in Texas over it?

I don’t get how eating by yourself is even an insult these days. Oh poor lady, you get to eat exactly what you want in complete peace.

Why is this seditionist pedophile walking around in public?

I don’t know if it counts as a dog-whistle, but incels have been whining for years about how women who are educated have Opinions and Desires that may conflict with what men want, and with it more financial freedom that enables them to walk away from someone who wants to control them.

God forbid someone is over-educated! Like, what does that even mean? Republicans hate education because smart people generally lean Left.

The same states that will immediately ban abortion are, on the whole, the very same states that continue the barbaric practice of capital punishment. The irony of this blatant contradiction of puritan, heteromale values is so fucking offensive, I simply no longer understand the world we live in. 

This ruling is crazy and wildly offensive & I fear not the worst that might be coming down from those Federalist Society fanatics 

It’s even simpler than that: If you run from a bully, THEY FOLLOW YOU. 

American Justices pointing to British law is pretty messed up in my book. I hope he doesn’t celebrate Independence Day if he cites their laws maybe he should move there. Also pointing to laws from the 17th century is also messed up in 2022.

Not just that but a member of the establishment of the very country the US broke free from for  supposed reasons of restrictions of their civil rights.

So Alito is getting his support from a dude at a time when we weren’t even a country yet. We’re so far gone I can’t even.

The cruel nostalgia for the good old days of complete disregard for women’s lives is the point. Dude had to reach all the way back to the 17th century Puritanism for support of a ruling designed to affect 21st century lives. When they believed placing the father’s hat on a laboring woman’s belly relieved childbirth

He’s quite good at picking and choosing the historical sources he intends to use to support whatever outcome he’s chosen. Most sources from that time would not have considered pre-quickening abortion to be a serious crime, but Alito would prefer to find the ones that match the decision he’s already reached.

Alito’s stance on abortion seems rooted in the idea that, functionally, that women just don’t really have any bodily autonomy at all in some circumstances.

I live in Texas and it’s unfortunate that I cannot star this comment more than once. When I could have moved I was younger and idealistic and had hope that things could change because Obama had been elected! And now that we cannot afford to move, and this state has been further entrenched in Republican terrorism, and

If only there was an election in 2016 that could have made Alito a semi-amusing crank in a 6-3 minority... I remember hearing something about that election, where both candidates were the same and the Supreme Court didn’t matter.

Funny how all the women telling me that in 2016 were already post-menopause.

I think I made this exact point in a comment, on this site, a month or two ago for most of the reasons outlined in this article. It’s a really fucking privileged thing to tell people to ‘just move’ out of a red state when there are typically barriers to doing so that usually start with economic, but balloon out to

I grew up in a very red state (which I did eventually move out of as an adult), and I always hated that logic. People just boil huge geographic areas down to “blue” or “red” and forget that even in my deep red home state, like 40% of the votes were against Republicans.