
Yeah, what got me was when Lizzo told one of the girls that was cut that she was still amazing and said “not for what you can do but for who you are. And this is the package you come in and should be recognized.” As someone who has struggled with weight loss issues, self-esteem, and fluctuating size my entire life, it

Yeah, they dismissed my comment, also. 

We did jump in, but the OP dismissed them all.

One of the nice things about being with Pete has to be that he seems to have zero expectations about her make-up, wardrobe, or behavior. He really just seems to like her for her. Whereas Kanye viewed her as an extension of himself.

Really? The top comment here is disgusting and no one is jumping in to correct this fat phobic garbage? What the heck happened to this community? I miss the 2012 Jezebel so much, I learned so much from commenters here about so many things and I am so sad to see what a withered husk of itself this place has become.

Do you also cringe when you watch strongmen competitions or Olympic weight lifters or is your anti fat bias showing just a little bit here?

Oh c’mon, clearly her knees are getting her through all this just fine. Any good PT would tell you there are safe ways to exercise and protect your joints at any weight. Writing this to you as I am actively icing my fucked up knee despite them only carrying a “reasonable” load.

Did you read the article above? The premise of that show is that fat people are perfectly healthy and if you believe science then you’re a fat-phobic bigot. It is telling young girls that morbid obesity is not a health risk. It very much is.

Everything is projection with them. Of course now they are labeling their political opponents as pedophiles & moving to legally open the door to marrying children. Why does it surprise me 

This is the kind of news story that asks a million more questions than it answers (not that I blame the journalists, it’s a breaking story):

Super gross. I wonder if she stole them during the clinic invasion. Hope she gets the full 11 year sentence. 

remains under federal investigation for charges including sex trafficking and statutory rape of a 17-year-old girl

He will never resign (at least while a Democrat is in the White House), he will never recuse himself from any case even if was literally “Ginni Thomas v. Biden,” and he will never face any consequences whatsoever. And because Republicans have so fundamentally broken every branch of our government there’s nothing we

> Zendaya, who is present on behalf of the film Dune

And you could, y’know... Go fuck yourself.

it’s about your fellow Americans

Here’s my favorite Taylor story. In 2016 Taylor put out a solo EP under his own name and the lead single was a song called Range Rover Bitch. It got a little attention and good reviews but nothing major. In 2017, Foo Fighters were headlining Saturday night of Glastonbury. They were supposed to headline two years

Come on. What a kick to the balls. I just saw them a few months ago. What awful, awful news.

People hate that corporations can just buy legislation that hurts people.

Six weeks after the woman’s missed menstrual period is before many women even realize they’re pregnant.