
Sucking it up and trying if you’re a swimmer or basketball play may look like a slower time, or a sub-par performance. Sucking it up and trying when you’re a gymnast can mean serious injury, paralysis, or death. She made the right call and her entire team supported her and went on to kick ass themselves.

Goldens understand that finding drugs and pleasing their handler will make them happy, but that 2-day-old french fry under the chair several gates away would make them happier.

Finding and/or making chai ice cream is now on my summer to-do list!

Wasn’t going to watch this until you said it’s based on Cinque Terre and now I have to because Cinque Terre.

100% this.

Oh hey, I found my birthday request for this year. Thanks!!

God, I miss Wawa. And their soft pretzels. And their iced coffee. 

Two top my list:

I will be honest, its first season is terrible  — a lot of people recommend skipping it and just reading a synopsis. But it really starts hitting its stride in its second season and it’s by far my favorite thing on TV right now!

They can make whatever they want as long as they keep renewing the batshit joyfest that is Legends of Tomorrow.

Oh hey, someone else who ended up at WW before puberty. We need (very sad) t-shirts.

Thank you for this, Kelly. It’s beautifully written and so important.

As someone with a history of ED, I can’t express my rage with BMI still being used as an arbiter of individual health. I have never, from age 3 onward, fell into the “normal” weight category. I’ve always fallen into the “overweight” and “obese” ranges.

100% this. That press conference was embarrassing and it had nothing to do with Biden. 

Oh, fuck. This one hurts.

I’ve been using this $6.99 generic Kalita from World Market for the last 8 years, and have never looked back. It just uses regular #4 cone filters, too:

I’ve been using this $6.99 generic Kalita from World Market for the last 8 years, and have never looked back. It

Fucking thank you for this, seriously. I have managed to be a well-rounded, functioning mid-30s adult in most aspects of my life, but no matter what I fucking do, how much I meal prep, or how many alarms I set, I am generally incapable of feeding myself before 2pm and then wonder why I’m woozy with a migraine. I’m

A former friend got pulled into the Cutco web when we were in college, and she harassed my mother so much to let her give a presentation that I had to intervene and tell her to stop. She didn’t, and that’s how “former” got added to her title. Freaking Cutco.

Also a fun time to remind everyone that we’ve never actually seen a generation retire with the 401k system rather than pensions, and the general assumption is that it’s going to go terribly.

Yep, 1000% this. There’s no guarantee that the vaccine you reject because you don’t feel like you “should” qualify will actually go into the arm of another person, because our vaccine roll-out/planning looks a lot like the rest of our lovely support systems in this country.