
Trying to post this in a few threads! The lovely admins of the Splinter/Deadspin refugee Discord just created a subgroup for Jezzies!

Hi again, wanted to make sure you had the link to the Splinter/Deadspin (and possibly future other GMG) refugee Discord:

The lovely admins at the Splinter/Deadspin refugee camp just added a subgroup for us as well!!

The Splinter/Deadspin folks have set up a Discord ( I don’t think one already exists for Jez commenters (someone chime in if I’m wrong) but I’m thinking about starting one..

It really does. Hugs, friend.

Oh, no. Goddamnit. Fuck Jim Spanfeller.

I submit this snuggle monster as tribute. Love you all.

Unclear, and I desperately hope not, but with the shuttering of Splinter a little while ago and the incredibly stupid “stick to sports” mandate And subsequent firings that led to the *entire* Deadspin staff quitting en masse, it seems like it’s a possibility.

Esther, it feels like everything is on borrowed time at this point, so I just wanted to say thanks for all your work here. Jezebel has been “my” corner of the internet for 8 years, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that there were some days when looking forward to reading Jez was the one thing I could bring myself

Hell yes! Not sure if they could use a proofreader/copyeditor/project manager, but I would 100% be willing to volunteer my time.

ETA: Damn, that’s huge. Sorry :(

Also, for anyone interested in pitching in for a round for our dearly departed:

Holy shit I love all of you.

This is the quality content I’m (genuinely) looking for. Let’s be real, the only time I read a sports story  is when you guys shit on the Browns because I feel validated as a disgruntled fan.

Browns are gonna brown. We’re already hoarse from screaming and cursing and it’s not even half time. Do they know they can.. you know... just choose *not* to commit penalties?

As someone who has tried (read: failed) many times to make Mexican rice, thank you for your service.


The energy/momentum around this feels different than what’s come before, but I am so worn down by the past 3 years that it’s almost terrifying to hope, especially since it sure seems like Congress is going to need to go after that server.

Multiple endings or GTFO.

Went to college in Buffalo, can confirm.