
THANK YOU. You are amazing.

I knew it was coming, but damn, this one hurts.

We bought our house in the fall of 2015, when we were 28 and 29. It was becoming obvious that interest rates and prices were about to finally start rebounding, so we decided to move forward a little earlier than we were planning. We were also only living on one income at the time. Because of that, we had to compromise

With you on the whole approach to dieting, but damn, this looks great. And TJ’s lentils are a godsend. My lazy go-to lunch is those, mixed with some of TJ’s bruschetta and feta or goat cheese.


My husband repeatedly told his mom detailed stories about how he was a pilot who crashed during (what she understood to be) WWI. It stopped abruptly when he was about 3. Kids are weird.

My main gripe from my past life as a barista is when people would ask for/demand a flavor of syrup we didn’t have (usually French Vanilla, thanks Tim Hortons), or shoot off something like “double-double” (thanks again, Tim Hortons) and get immediately irritated when we would try to confirm what they wanted...

Oh, ew. All of this reads like the crap we had to read in CCD (Sunday school held on Wednesdays, if you weren’t raised Catholic). I’d forgotten how heinous it was.

Good lord, that is a *terrible* title.

We all knew this was where this was heading.

We have so many books we turned our spare bedroom into a library will full wall shelves. It’s our happy place. Sorry, guests. You get the pull-out couch and you have to share with our Marmaduke of a dog.

Ugh that sounds a lot like what I used to go through (and still go through intermittently). I still don’t know if it’s placebo or not, but I started taking magnesium citrate supplements for migraines, and apparently a side benefit is it can help sleep. The start date does seem to coincide with when I started getting a

You’re doing the Lord’s work, A.A.

Holy crap, I never even realized they were the same person!

In the tapes the CBS lawyers showed, they thought that Eliza cursing on set was all the proof they needed to show that SHE was the problem. The video contained cut and dry examples of sexual harassment happening in real time, and it didn’t even register to them that they were shooting themselves in the foot. But a

Well this was both fascinating and depressing. Fantastic piece, Kelly. I’ll have to grab this book.

Now that you mention it, the only blank ones on my end are the Deadspin ones too (the notifications from this post are showing up fine). My comments look like they’re still there, though (and it’s not like they’re banhammer-worthy...).


Fucking finally. It really is an embarrassment that it’s taken this long.

The fact that none of the staff have popped into the comments to be like “hey it’s serious but he’s not dying” after the collective commenter freak out has me the most worried :(