Botswana Jones

I'm expecting down votes on this so let er rip. I am amazed and appalled, partially because I am amazed and appalled, at the people who are crying foul because Noah, a black character, was killed. And no, I am not saying "African American" because I am not referred to as "European American" or "Irish American." I

Beth is black? Hell of a make up job…

Too bad for Stephanie that Brad was being a douche. Even as time was winding down, even at the minute mark, he was still going for the lowest monetary value questions.

I do not think it means what you think it means.

Mid season finale next year.

I agree. When she was younger it was cute and precocious. Now, Alex is unbearable. I don't understand why there can be no character development on this show. It seemed Haley was making some headway in regards to the male nanny, whatever his name is, but that turned out to be nothing.

Not sure what happened to the actress who plays Lily but her acting these last two episodes has actually been good.