@ursa: I once left a fake placeholder (dummy) headline on the front page of the daily newspaper I was editor of.
@ursa: I once left a fake placeholder (dummy) headline on the front page of the daily newspaper I was editor of.
@JanetRenoManchild: Sorkin took some MAJOR artistic license with the story of FB's founding. Basically it's a fairy tale. The real Zuckerberg is completely devoid of personality. The entire plot was cookedup out of thin air.
@G60GTIguy: That's the car owned by the Brooks and Dunn guy, right?
@Arfdog: Stop being so reasonable.
@BMRFILE: Right. It's so black and white.
@hawkeye18: Virginia is crazy. Nothing is too heavy-handed for that state.
@BigHarryWieters: Ultimate Frisbee cleats.
@AzureTexan: I know the Brick Store ridiculously well. It is fantastic.
@AzureTexan: Hey! Some of are reppin' the ATL.
@Big_Sloppy: I just caught this one on the streaming Netflix:
@Chilli: Personally I mostly just used the gears to slow down and then gentle braking. To be honest, at Bonneville you have a LOT of room to wind it down. I imagine the Texas Mile or Maxton are different.
@SerialThriller: No. At Bonneville the short course (vehicles under 200 mph, so almost all bikes) is I think 4 miles long. The long course is a whopping 7 miles long.
Finally we can dominate the Great Lakes.
@SerialThriller:You have a full mile to get the speed down low enough to pull off the track. Beyond that, the track isn't pressed down and is just softer and bumpier. It's all salt.
@humjaba: I ran my bike at Bonneville and I'd say slowing down was the only nerve-wracking part of it. The bike was 100% stable at top speed. Slowing down is what takes finesse.
@MaWeiTao: True. And the rules for land speed racing are VERY strict for the P-P (production) class. Even an aftermarket exhaust and PC-III get you bumped to a modified class.
I got my Blackbird up to 176 at Bonneville last year on the 4-mile course. I can't even imagine hitting 278 in a mile.
@blametheredline: I was thinking John Cage.
Shades of Orson Welles in "The Long, Hot Summer."