I have a bit of sympathy for the Bearcat.
I have a bit of sympathy for the Bearcat.
@472CID: Definitely. And always wearing the tackiest helmet available with a wife-beater, cargo shorts and flip-flops.
@Maxx Cracker — sponsored by Peniston Oils: Stop being all logical and whatnot.
Evans always goes with the flow!
I've been following Motus for like a year now and I'm definitely impressed that the project is moving forward.
@Barry Petchesky: I can't quit you, Deadspin.
I refuse to believe Lutador Vomitando is not a commenter name.
@kryonik: Write goodly and whatnot.
I hate this article because I always took solace in the fact that ALL athletes are huge dummies who would basically be useless to society if not for their athletic prowess.
@bygeorge: Teh stupid. It burns!
Personally I absolutely love it when the announcers let their inner old-school-crotchety-gym-teacher come out and get all apoplectic about "knuckleheads" who run on the field.
@Lt. Mark Rumsfield: I was just about to make a joke about plane propellers.
I hope he got pate for this.
@Rä¢inG73 - ain't nuthin' but a G73 thang: Now you're just trolling. Ok, you've been trolling all day... but still.
@Mr.choppers - Delenda Carthago Est: Why would you be humiliated by a patdown? Do you suffer from micropenis?
So we should send American soldiers to Iraq and Afghanistan and ask them to risk their lives in the hopes of preventing terrorism.... yet the second any civilian is even slightly inconvenienced, THAT'S GOING TOO FAR.
@Rä¢inG73 - ain't nuthin' but a G73 thang: Just because people criticize Nascar doesn't mean they're necessarily F1 fans.
@KaBoomBOX: Equating the Car of Tomorrow or whatever that silly thing is called with "approxmating a real car's appearance" is a stretch!
@Jim Hubert: Yeah, but if actual fans showed up in bigger numbers for GT/touring car/sportscar racing in this country, you can be sure Ford and GM would be supporting those sports a hell of a lot more.
@JulichsRightHooks: Chris Hanson approves.