@Steve_in_NC: If you've lived in a socialist country, you should know that federal loan guarantees do not suddenly turn us into East Germany.
@Steve_in_NC: If you've lived in a socialist country, you should know that federal loan guarantees do not suddenly turn us into East Germany.
@Steve_in_NC: Inept? What are you talking about?
@Dirt Pirate: I lulzed at that line.
@Sleepinglucid: Even at Bonneville, with its 7 mile course, cars are required to use chutes. I guess the thinking is.... brakes fail/overheat/lock up.
Star Wars-style scrolling text in a video showing a guy nearly kill himself in a car crash. You have exceptional taste, Mr. YouTube Director Guy!
@Bullet_Tooth_Tony: If you think there are any "pansies" in the NFL, even with the current rules, you are fucking retarded and so sadistic that you should just start watching videos of suicide bombings or something.
When you're in a place as classy (klassy?) as the Ainsworth, it's not groping, it's frottage.
@I Like Cheap Beer: Ned. I haven't heard a good Ned joke in forever. Well played, sir.
No one outside of NYC, Boston, St. Louis and maybe Chicago and Philadelphia actually cares about baseball.
@WashingtonForeskins: He and Shouty McCrazyEye make Steve Young sound like Rod Fucking Steiger.
Matt Millen is having some sort of tardo meltdown live on Sportscenter right now while discussing the head injury issue with Steve Young.
This has absolutely nothing to do with coaching. This problem exists because there's virtually no penalty for such hits and plenty of incentive (getting on Sportscenter).
@The_Night_Man_Cometh: I like to think of it as two completely different flavors of racism.... both equally delicious.
@Nick535i: Yeah, and used MV's are not TOO hard to find actually. I've seen used Brutales in the very-reasonable-for-an-exotic $5k to $6k range, with F4s around 7 to 8 grand.
@Nick535i: And I believe MV is getting rid of them on the next-gen F4 and F3 triple.
Woodhead Revisited
This was right before all the GIs went crazy and she had to be airlifted off the stage, right?