Botswana Meat Commission FC

@skaven: It's like your rotor is about to get bukkake'd.

@Garland137: I'm pretty sure this is some sort of tireless wheel design that uses flexible struts to support the rubber. I remember reading about in popular mechanics years ago.

@lawlover: There really aren't that many legal/rule-based barriers to gender integration. The NCAA has had at least two female football players (both were kickers and weren't very successful). I'm also pretty sure FIFA would allow a female player to play professional soccer and there probably have been a few at the

Tirico and Chuckie are going on and on and on about how great an athlete Woodhead is.... then the camera immediately shows him on the sideline hunched over and winded.

Ooh, maybe he can go in-depth into his wife's lease terms as well as the menu at Spago's. That would be so fucking exciting!

@CABEZAGRANDE: Seriously. My SV1000 routinely tempts me to do absolutely WICKED things that 99.9999999% of the cars on the road couldn't even fathom. I can't even imagine having this much power on tap in a liter bike designed for road racing.

All individual consistency is team consistency. Consistently!

@Kid Canada: I'm with you, KC. I think the whole distinction between what's "purpose-driven" and what's not is pretty damn fuzzy and vague.

@Richard Starkey: Venturing over to Jeezebel is never good for one's sanity.

@YouPeopleHaveIssues: Judging individual players by a team's win/loss record is just stupid. It tells you absolutely nothing about the QB's/pitcher's/goalie's individual performance and is full of statistical noise... like, uh, defense and speacial teams.

@ArkansasFred: Hey AkFred, did you ever read Mike Tanier's essay on the subject of Eagles fans and "McNabb Deniers"? As an Eagles fan who has defended McNabb for years, I think he pretty much nailed it.

@YouPeopleHaveIssues: No. Just no. McNabb does not have a 1-4 record in NFC championship games. The Philadelphia Eagles had a 1-4 record.

I blame Cincinnatus. He was a real cock.

Because he appreciates a well-designed PowerPoint presentation.

Sounds like Stone's dad is an Arrogant Bastard.

@StuckXJ: Yeah, but that's only like 2 or 3 stickers worth of hp...

I want to take that Ford GT behind the middle school and get it pregnant.

Someone in my neighborhood has a Ford Heavy Duty truck. It's a Harley Davidson Special Edition, so it has the Harley logo emblazoned on the frame and in the seat upholstery (because that's way badass and lets everyone know you don't fuck trannies).

At 3:45 AM, a 1998 Volkswagen Jetta was traveling north. For some unknown reason, it went over the curb, missed a couple trees, went through my southern neighbors' yard, and hit the right rear of their Honda Accord, which was on the southern end of their driveway. It pushed that car perpendicular to their house, up