Botswana Meat Commission FC

Very servicey post, Jalops.

Fireman Ed, meet WVU's own Big Cat.

@Sarcasmo: This is EVERY industry.

All this talk about men losing our sense of privilege...

@Pesti-Esti: I hope so, sir. That Rossi guy needs to be taken down a notch.

I went to a Braves game two seasons ago and fully 99% of the jailbait 16 year old white girls from the suburbs were wearing Francoeur shirts.

"Maybe people do it to feel like they're in charge of a real team. But it's nothing like a real team, believe me.

@Justin Lancon: or Stupid Quick Until I'm Dead, or named for the animal that is fast when going straight but can't turn, or named for a nickname for sailors/submariners or it was already surfer slang.

@krypterband: From all I've read, the origins of the slang term "squid" (for a reckless rider) are totally unclear and there are at least 5 or 6 possible explanations.

@TTA579: Heh. Well played.

@ZomBeeRacer: "Squid" is a sacred word? Ok, tough guy....

I live right near there, so I'd like to add these details:

I would think the Pinnacle of Mascot Embarrassment would be, you know, being a fucking mascot.

@tastes_like_burning: Supposedly the typical first aid for one of those is to wrap the torso in saran wrap to seal the chest cavity... which I find quite funny/horrifying.

@hawkeye18: Because GM doesn't make cars. They make dildos. Huge black, veiny dildos.