Botswana Meat Commission FC

To Ben the English Dude:

@When_you_get_the_money_you_get...: Alec and Stephen Baldwin?

@DennyCrane: The alien invasion. Cool, but not as fun as triggering like 5 earthquakes in a row and watching your entire city slowly burn down.

No way. College football is the sport for TRUE conservatives.

@MarkKelsosMigraine: It's still under construction (expected opening: Sept. 1996 when Geocities finally gets their act together).

Those wheels! Awesome.

No one would get away with that with me anyway because I don't trust anyone in this sport.

And yet I'd still rather read this than "Tuesdays With Morrie."

And Rattner defends his role in "ChoochGate," the scandal that forced him to resign from the Obama administration.

Left-turners. These people are damn cold-blooded assassins to us two-wheelers.

@Jagvar: The shitty/drunk/negligent driver always walks away. Always.

@Telemundo: Old reruns of COPS episodes too...

@JamarcusMuscle: No one really knows. It's shrouded in mystery.

I can't believe people aren't snatching up tickets to see Florida Panthers superstars like

Eastern Washington will only play on that field once per month, and every kickoff will be greeted with a huge sigh of relief.