Botswana Meat Commission FC

@blogsarefun: I have no idea... and I work in online marketing/advertising.

@WhoDoYouKnowHere: Gawker's CTO is too busy building a 100% reliable and bug-free technology platform to take sales calls.

@mr_bannana: Good point. And actually, I noticed that I I get the moto-related ads on some of the poltical blogs I visit too. But my point still stands that it clearly helps publishers.

Ad targeting does help Google somewhat, but who it REALLY helps is publishers of sites with niche interests.

I love the "bid on yourself" option.

I smell a Gawker Famewhore of the Year Award*

Due to civil wars and genocide in an obscure African republic, the commodity price of the mineral used in pussy magnets has gone sky high over the past 8 quarters.

@leicester: Perfect example of a car or truck so unpretentious that its lack of style actually ends up becoming stylish in its own right.

Here's BMU1 supporting a keep coke prices high mission in Colombia.

@econdave: Yeah, but Sandler's line about wanting kick his ass when he got off the plane was what really brought it home.

@stahvinahtist: That was like THE FUNNIEST THING EVER for about six weeks in 1994.

He sounds like a Gawker commenter.

This is all just a figment of her imagineering.

@jodark: Yes. History is so useless and divisive. Fuck knowing it. It's much better to just offer up opinions on the internet without knowing anything about it.

@bemis: Pretty sure touring cars also use rain tires. I think it has more to do with TV audiences.

@Drujon: No. It's not fucking good. It's ignorant and uneducated!

@Bubs: You could have just stopped at "perhaps I am completely retarded."