Botswana Meat Commission FC

I cannot be the only one who thinks of the great scene in "Doctor Zhivago" when the refugee train stops to let Strelnikov's private Commie Wagon fly by with red army flags a-blazing.

Sometimes you just need to pull yer nozzle out and give it a good shake...

They see me jumpin tollbooths, they hatin'

I can't be the only one who loves that ginger salad dressing from every single hibachi restaurant ever.

So this is what Ben Roethlisberger is up to while he's suspended...

Reminds me of the good ol' days when Supermike was a household name.

I hate Harley hate.

A homologation special for NASCAR...

They had to change the story to cover their butts! smoke and mirrors.Twist the story just a little. ARE WE NOT SHEEP!

Be careful who you accept a ride back to your hotel from, lone female F1 fans.

Australian Rosco McGlashan

@Bizzarodave: I'm coming 'round to your side. My brother and I were talking about the Probe recently when we were lamenting that no one makes flip-up headlights anymore.

@Bizzarodave: I owned the four-cylinder version. Not a terrible car (interior fit and finish aside).

Ford Probe.