My Monaco story:
My Monaco story:
@tonyola: Plus it's named after a fucking French swamp.
@Kuro: In Tennessee, 23 is already well past your first three illegitimate kids and fast approaching your second divorce.
That link is completely ridiculous.
The only time you should ever let your dog drive is when you're already drunk.
@Baby beater Benz: Fucking brilliant.
@jeepfreak: You must not be older than about 16.
... so then Snookie is sitting in a bar in Seaside Heights and you would not BELIEVE what happens next....
@Acesfull711: Agreed 100%.
@Tyson: Meh. We already HAVE racing on street circuits here in the U.S., though. It's not a foreign concept.
@Devryn: Snookie and The Situation do not approve of this comment.
F1 should schedule a race at Barber the same week as Nascar is in Talladega.
@buzz killington — IP Jalopttorney: The problem is that public investment in sports rarely actually end up paying off.
I'm not a huge F1 fan, so maybe someone can chime in and tell me why this wouldn't work, but...
Duke, Yale, Princeton, UVA?
The Revolte has apparently been cross-bred with a PT Cruiser.
To the protesters: I understand that boycotts are meant to be symbolic, and, since it's not football season, the Diamondbacks are the most prominent target with "Arizona" in their name. But there are more effective ways to spend your time than going after a baseball team.
I'm partial to number 15.
Look out Baltimore, Springfield just stole your idea.