Botswana Meat Commission FC

The Independent Florida Alligator

I think we can all agree that it was rougher than a Mickey Rourke blow job

@Ninety-9: Me too. It's like an automatic reflex.

@buick61: The Holland Tunnel does kind of have a THUNDERDOME type vibe. It's every man, woman, child and sewer-lizard for himself.

@skraelingshortbus: This is absolutely retarded. So you're saying people should only cross roads that have marked crosswalks? Like 90% of all roads don't have marked crosswalks anywhere!

@meatbag_pussrocket: Read the article! There have been 12 pedestrians hit by cars on that street in the past year and a half. They're trying to get drivers to yield to pedestrians. I see nothing wrong with that.

@two wheels are enough: Really? So a pedestrian shouldn't be allowed to cross any street without a FREAKIN' DESIGNATED CROSSWALK? You do realize the vast majority of streets don't have marked crosswalks, right?

@OM617952: Sigh. Read the article! They crossed at unmarked crosswalks, which is not jaywalking. They're not breaking the law.

@meatbag_pussrocket: Read the article! It says that the officer crossed at unmarked crosswalks, which is 100% legal. How else do you expect pedestrians to cross the street?

That is fantastic.

The hatred of pedestrians among the commentariat is F-ing ridiculous. I just don't get it.

@OM617952: Yes, I'm sure the POLICE OFFICER in the bunny suit has no idea what the traffic laws are. Christ, did you read the post?

I hate vaporware concept bikes. They're always designed by some fucking college kid named Alexei who just learned how to make vector art.

@Kid Canada: The kids at George Mason are too busy writing hateful letters to Billy Packer.

@WSaM: A classic. Totally epic ride. All of 50 is amazing.... even the eastern section heading toward Deep Creek Lake.

The roads around Clayton, Ga. are fantastic. Then fly back toward Suches on 180 through some great 80 mph sweepers cutting through Appalachian pine forests.

Is a used BMW ever a good price? I'm genuinely curious because I really like the old 80s/early 90s 3-series but when you tell people you're interested in finding an old Bimmer, they just laugh hysterically.

Good list, but the dude cannot abide this mixing of club and country.

Not only big cities benefit from nice looking train stations. Here's the station in the neighborhood I grew up in. Thankfully they never tore it down to make way for a parking lot.