Bote for Lalo!

I literally could not care less about respecting a bunch of rich assholes who got on a sub that had multiple reports of being horrifically unsafe, and then having time and money spent on searching for them because they won the Darwin Award in spectacular fashion. So fuck this “bad taste” crap.

Bad taste jokes after tragedies are many people’s way of coping with it.  People told jokes about the Challenger disaster as well, where the Space Shuttle blew up shortly after launch.  There’s nothing new or wrong about it and this is a creative way to memorialize the event.

Because with the apparent invulnerability that the rich typically have for consequences, typically with poor people suffering for them instead, it’s nice to see these assholes actually face one for once in their goddamn lives. We’d rather have a just and equitable system where nobody has to needlessly die, but short

We’re all going to hell anyway.

Kate Mara has major family money on both sides since the Rooney’s own the Steelers and the Mara’s own the NY Giants.  So they’ll be able to afford all the security that’s needed.  

I wish. I grew up around white people who called themselves “leftists” and the minute they had to give up even the tiniest bit of privilege, suddenly THE LEFT HAD GONE TOO FAR. 

Yeah. I’ve always felt a party switch should trigger an automatic freeze on policy participation until a new election can be held. There’s absolutely nothing stopping someone from planning this sort of the thing from the start. Even Manchin hasn’t officially switched sides!

To say S11 is the end of the golden era is waaaay too late. Personally, I place it exactly at the second half of the Tamzarian episode.

It’s hilarious that this moron is attacking Disney when Disney is basically the only corporation that comes close to living up to the bullshit Capitalist ideals these Republicans claim to believe in.

Seriously. The whole reason shit like this happens is that—due to certain societal changes in our country over the past half centurypeople like this guy have been going through life doing an awful lot of fucking around and very little finding out. Much to the misery of everyone around them!

This is why I aim for the farthest parking space possible. Nobody wants those, and I never have to fight for it. They’re all too busy fighting to save 5 minutes of walking. I’d rather have the exercise and less stress. 

Irrational fearfulness is how people get shot on doorsteps after ringing the wrong bell.

Some people just need to get beat up once in a while to give their Narcissisms a check. Though I am glad it ended peacefully.

Leonard Nimoy: My work here is done.


Ugh. Fuck Rousey. I'm glad she's been gone. No character dickbag. Baszler is her superior in every way.

I can’t believe how well they’ve used Luther. Chaos Project on Dark are the absolute perfect jobbers to the stars (up and coming stars at least). They put on good matches and have a unique gimmick that works at least for me.

One thing that I thought was incredible in the All Out PPV, was the breath of talent from other promotions. It felt like a celebration of wrestling as opposed to peddling the AEW-only wrestlers. It felt like the event was about having good matches as opposed to concluding every loose storyline. 

AEW posts some full matches from their PPVs on their YouTube channel for free. PPVs are one of the major features that set AEW apart from WWE. They only occur once every 3 months, and when they do happen it feels like a huge deal. And it feels that way because it is a huge deal with angles given plenty of time to

You’re basically seeing the result of several years of Vince’s endless obsession with getting Roman Reigns over. All of that time throwing everything at it but the one thing that finally did it — a heel turn. And probably the Heyman pairing. Add that to the gimmick/shock booking obsession, trying to inject life into