Bote for Lalo!

I was bullied hard core in school, for years, by the same person. It literally crushed me and twisted me into an introverted, shy, anxiety ridden person. I’m sure there are lots of things I might have experienced in life, in relationships, in friendships, etc had it not happened. I’ve basically let it go, but I do get

Literally all you have to do is google “Donald Trump” and “Central Park Five” together. He took out full page ads in the newspaper calling to bring back the death penalty as a direct response to what happened.

Donald Trump? Absolutelyfuckingnot. I was a teenager in California in the 80's and 90's and I knew that guy was such a douchebag even without access to Page 6 and Vanity Fair articles. He is was always has been gross and the only excuse for not knowing that is being brain damaged and living under a rock.

He demanded the death penalty for the Central Park 5 back in 1990.

An affable, nice businessman? Are we talking about the same Donald Trump? The one who routinely cheated vendors and tradespeople who worked on his properties? And then bankrupted some of those properties? Who very publicly cheated on wife number one with wife number two? This all happened in the twenty years prior to

Besides his actual wife, Cosby’s TV wife (Phylicia Rashad) has continued to disgustingly support this fucker, too. 

Didn’t he try and play the I’m-a-frail-old-man act (ala Weinstein) in court? And suddenly he’s magically healthy and full of life enough to attempt a full on tour? Fuck him and fuck anyone who gives him their money, indeed.

We’re basically living in 2 separate, concurrent realities these days. Cosby will find a home in the other one, no prob.

The Jawns Are Alright

North philadelphian here just wanted to say KEEP FUCKING AROUND AND YOU WILL QUICKLY FIND OUT. We might be a lot of things but don’t come up here with the bullshit thank you :)

You may be right. Given how grossly overweight “real Americans” are, I’d expect them to work through the nation’s food supply in a hot second. 

Most of the countries populations are in the city and farming and drilling is becoming less relevant as the years go by. You should have evolved with the times rednecks lol

Don’t bring your primitive country shit to the cities of America. We own America.

Comments like this are part of the reason why women don’t report rape. Stop with the victim blaming and go educate yourself about sexual violence. 

Did you have a head injury? Or are you just a totally shitty person by nature?

It’s mostly because she is defending an admitted rapist.

“Believe women... just not these women.”

What are you, cdwag14's wife? No, Queen Anhomotepep, we do not ‘need’ her.

This is a woman who addressed her co-star as Mr. Cosby, even though she played his wife on the show.  Once subordinate, always subordinate.  I always get the impression he gave her a really big pill that hasn’t worn off yet.  And she’s not a great actress to me, so what’s up with that Howard U?

This was really, really well written.