Bote for Lalo!

When children step into the fray willingly they lose their immunity. So Tiffany is also off limits. Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr can eat sand.

Depends which child you’re speaking about....

That’s because Patrick Stewart would shatter into 1000000 pieces if he ever punched somebody

You missed one of the most shocking statements.

Brooks was just the right amount of unhinged maniac weirdo to play a calm reserved Captain with the fire of a thousand suns when necessary.

I don’t why anyone would turn down a role from Lynch.

Didn’t know about Laura Harring turning down a role. I don’t know of anything she’s in other than Mulholland Drive, so it’s somewhat surprising for her to be turning down roles, particularly from Lynch. this the greatest thing that has been on television this decade? I know there are other competing titles (Breaking Bad and Mad Men come to mind), but this has to be in the top contenders.

That’s the one dangling thread that upsets me. Poor Audrey.

I loved it. I’m fine with them not resolving any other plot thread...

Twin Peaks had a cliché ending? I’m worried that I have been using the word cliché incorrectly my entire life.

I’m not campaigning for Kaepernick to get a job, as I have no horse whatsoever in that race. I am, however, interested in poking fun at the absolute tidal wave of pushback that comes whenever it is suggested that NFL teams are staying away from him because of his politics, and not because of his play. Obviously it’s

Outta all the teams Kaep could help, it feels like Denver is the dumbest one for passing. Sure he’s better than anything the Jets have but they’re tanking, and other teams could use him as a back-up; but Denver with their defense and receivers are a competent QB away from being title contenders.

Of course you are. Read what he needed. He needed someone to guard the trailer to make sure there was no looting. Even when he’s doing a nice thing, he can’t help but be a paranoid racist piece of shit. Fuck him.

Future should try enunciating. Also, remove yourself from my grass.

Do you have a source for the assertion of viewership?

My understanding is that the New Day were basically a Gospel-tinged minstrel show team as originally envisioned. Evidently after that didn’t pan out (shocking, I know) they gave the three guys a shot at doing whatever they felt like, and the New Day went heel and became great.

Don’t forget the Pro Wrestling Black Guy Rule: if there are two black guys in a territory, they will either fight or team. Always.