Bote for Lalo!

Also, since when do zombies have so much more street-cred than Vampires and Werewolves? I know people who spent A LOT of time shitting on Twilight, True Blood, etc. but faithfully watch Walking Dead with the same level of suspended belief I generally reserve for documentaries.

God, I still cringe whenever I hear that line. Those two words have gotta still be haunting Roman’s dreams.

“The Eagles won last night and it was a mob scene.”

Actually, it’s:

Damn, this one is impressive. You’ve got my vote.

This was great — and I hope it turns out this way tomorrow afternoon — but as a PhillyFan, I’m REEEALLLY gonna need the comfort (or induced panic) of that Eagles/Vikings Tecmo simulation to help me sleep well (or drink myself into a stupor) tonight in anticipation of tomorrow’s game.


I was like, “OH NO NOT AGAIN”. What a finale! I can only hope the real game turns out to be as exciting. (And has the same team winning.)

Now playing

Haha. Yeah, I’m from the Northeast, so I didn’t know the “Fargo Strut” was a thing, and probably also thought when I was kid that Double J had invented it. Had never even heard the name “Jackie Fargo” before. Ah, the old “territory” days are very much missed:

Just to play Devil’s Advocate: the LiSF said his wife had joined the “adult entertainment industry”, which is a rather broad and non-specific phrase.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s “going out and screwing out [sic] guys and making money off it”. Like Patrick said in the article, she could be doing internet cam

Now playing

Jr had a heel turn in 1997/1997 during the Fake Razor and Fake Diesel runs.”

“What does ANY/A stand for?”


I kind of hope he’s haunted by those comments for the remainder of his life. I’m still shocked that he kept his job, but looking at his show’s Twitter page and the various non-reactions to his suspension (“he did nothing wrong” is among many of the gems), I guess I’m not surprised:

“we’re going to spend the next few weeks reading MRA accounts of how it’s perfectly natural for adult men to pursue teenage girls”

Now playing

Hmm. Diddy better get prepared to be sued by Vince McMahon. I’m thinking he’s had the intellectual property of “Brother Love” trademarked for nearly two decades now.

+1 plate of garmonbozia (on White House china)

I’ve loved this for so long. Such a simple, relatable way to point out that Trump is — at a very basic level — NOT NORMAL.

Because and if anyone out there observing the fact that this “born-and-raised New Yorker” thinks it’s normal to stack some crappy chain pizza up like pancakes and eat it WITH A GODDAMN FORK and

I second you on The Aviator. I always suspected he was talented after Gilbert Grape and The Basketball Diaries, but Aviator was the first time I saw him be someone who wasn’t either “touchingly vulnerable” or boyishly cool-but-a-troubled-bad-boy-that everyone-woman-wants-to-fix”, or “sweep-me-off-my-feet-sexy”, or

Thanks. This was a great read.

I’m a Black Dude who’s a native PhilliesFan, but this resonated with me. Obviously, the Dodgers as a historical franchise are a major part of the glowingly celebrated story of the color barrier being broken with Jackie Robinson, but you don’t often hear enough about the story team’s move


I’m genuinely curious, and not trying to bait you. I’m very disappointed by Stone’s comments and I’m grossed out by the accounts I read above of his behavior where he’s sexualizing women in front of their boyfriend on set and “non-consensually grabbing boobs”, but I’m also a very big fan of his work — which