Bote for Lalo!

It’s been real.” Damn. That was savage, and she knew it would cut to the bone. A mom is not afraid to go that low sometimes, and it’s rather cruel.

But as you said, she’s your mother, and you know that she loves you (I’m sure she does), as you’re her son — but apparently that “love” has been poisonously arrested into

“I’ve got more cars than you’ve got friends!” is also another top contender.


I’m truly sorry for exposing you to this.

But at the same time, also: you’re welcome.

Yes, they do say “delete”.

And the entire audience chants it in unison.

There’s a whole epic storyline as to why all of this is (and why it’s so hilariously entertaining), but I won’t get into all of that here since you don’t follow wrestling.

If you’re ever curious, however, just google “The Final Deletion” and you can

Punk hated that, too. I think I remember him saying so on that infamous Colt Cabana podcast (where he alleged that the WWE doctors were incompetent, leading to him getting sued) that he finally did a year after he left the company. He was basically like, “what the hell are you people doing? Chant for HER!” Mobbish

I’m guessing you’re a troll, but on the off chance that you’re not, for chrissakes, guy, it’s irrefutable

Yeah, really. This dunce in the White House does not approach Joker-level villainy. (I mean, he may get us all killed, but it won’t be because he’s some kind of brilliantly evil mastermind. He’s just a toxic f*ckup who uses money like a weapon.)

Now, if we’re making analogues to Batman Villains, this Orange-Faced

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Neither would Steve “BEDROCK” Bedrosian

I was always partial to the Pete Rose (“charlie_hustle”) ones which were always pathetic and ineviatbly ended on some kind of stupid pun quoting “you have engaged in a variety of acts that stained the game”.

I’m so mad that there’s no Dugout Archive out there. (Trust me, I’ve looked several times.) I would TOTALLY

As a native PhilliesFan, I was totally gonna bring up Carlos Ruiz (but I’m seeing this thread two days late). Sure, some will counter that Jimmy Rollins was the main vocal leader (he was), and Chase Utley was the silent “lead by example” leader (he was), but anyone familiar with those successful Phillies teams from

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“Yeah, it’s too bad that Styles is a garbage human as well, or that story would be more enjoyable.”

One thousand percent agreed. I wish it had been any other little guy, someone like Josh Matthews or Justin Roberts. It’s always nice to see a bully take an ‘L”, but when it comes from a jerkface like Joey Styles, I don’t

Yeah, that one was my favorite, too.

I’ve struggled with this Jar-Jar Sith Lord Theory for a while now, but I think I’m willing to submit to it now, because at least it makes the entire epic story more interesting as our beloved space opera falls now into it’s waning Disney-Owned Era....

Once Carrie Fisher died, it was all over for me. Everything that

“Or just having a sense of humor. Never trust anyone who hasn’t got one.”


This is Failsafe Rule No. 1 of “immediately recognizing a sociopath in your midst”, and it flummoxes me to no end how often people manage to NOT notice that a person has no natural capacity for humor. Hell, even a bad, warped, or

Yeah, I get those same vibes. It’s a very high compliment.

Thank you. The second I saw this article I went straight to the comments to find the inevitable Starrcade reference. Nice choice, too. Big Bubba vs Ronnie Garvin (with my main man James E. Cornette screaming “HIT EM BUBBA” on the outside).


I don’t know why watching this video bothers me so much, but it truly does whenever I see it. I totally ranted to my wrestling nerd friend on Facebook about Linda’s horrible stunner sell once the news broke that she was in Trump’s Cabinet.

All of that said: I feel bad for Steve Austin, a

Yeah, Regal’s stoic words were...almost CHILLING in the aftermath of the Benoit tragedy, where everyone was just scrambling to praise the man, but perhaps were only slowly realizing the horror of what he’d done.

I’m a big Regal fan. Since the first time I saw him on WCW. That guy has had a long life where he’s taken a