
According to some things I’ve read—one of the things on the Apprentice tapes we’ll never see is Trump calling one of his children a “retard”.

I think it was his tweeting about autism that some took as evidence that his son Barron is autistic.

Autism is directly related to advanced paternal age. So yes, it is Trump’s fault. But young trophy wives tend to want babies.

He gives a shit about things that he can use to manipulate people.

It’s not like Trump’s fucked up genes could be at fault or anything!

There are unproven rumors his child has it.

It’s like someone dared them to put together the Worst Administration Possible.

Ding ding ding!

Also, Donald seems very concerned about this; unless it’s maybe personal. Didn’t Tom Arnold say something about hiw Donald referred to his child?

So, basically, Barron is autistic. Right?

I can’t even with this administration anymore, I really can’t. It’s like they’re sucking out my will to fight, which is probably what they’re aiming for.

Seems par for the course with this administration.

Lol at Trump tweeting concerns about kids with autism. As if he gives a shit about anyone but himself.

Of all the things RFK Jr could have been actually great at (EPA), he’s tapped for his kookiest position. And bites! Shame.

lol emails brah.

It’s interesting how all of the Trump voters have practically disappeared from the comment sections. Fucking cowards.

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voters. You just steered our country directly toward the pits of hell, and if your feelings are hurt by me telling you that, good. Maybe you will think next time you vote instead of pulling the

That’s not the point. The important thing is that she understands their plight from enduring her own pain. It’s almost like you can’t see what matters here. Sad!

My nephew’s circumcision went very, very badly and now I understand what President-elect Trump has been dealing with all his life. It’s nice when we can relate to our celebrities through our personal experiences.

Imagine how exhausting and unpleasant it must be to have to publicly pretend to be friends with Kanye West and thus have to be on the receiving end of his torrent of bullshit.