
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

She gave me her heart and I sent her a dick.

It’s not especially strong or brave to flee from rape charges and hole up until the case is dropped. A more conventionally brave approach might be to stand trial in an attempt to prove your innocence. Running and hiding seems like something other than brave.

No dude. We have more and more info coming out about Russia every day. What most liberals want is for Trump to stop firing people investigating the involvement of a foreign power in our election, which even Sessions admitted happened. It’s a big fucking deal, whether or not he was involved, so I expect him to give the

What sort of white nonsense is this? That somehow because someone won we should stop holding him and his staff accountable and complaining when they do something we don’t agree with or think is wrong? What kind of fucking democracy is that? The kind Trump and his army of ass kissers don’t like, it seems. Acceptance of

I’ve been trying to reconcile how the man, who created Clair Huxtable and a TV show that went to great lengths to prove that women were equal to men, could be capable of all this horrific behavior.

Smile and make eye contact. Get off your goddamn phone. Treat people like they are humans and not robot servants. Thank you.

My husband and I were talking about this other day. Ok, it was more me ranting and raving, but still. People like to shit talk teenagers (ages from about 15 to 20)for being rude when, in my inexpert opinion as a lowly retail minion, it’s the adults.

That’s good stuff.

If it remains over the counter for more than four hours, congratulations, and consult a physician.

Someone needs to pull down and post the clip of Trump shoving the Montenegro PM, then buttoning his jacket while sticking out his chin like Mussolini. It tells us everything we need to know about Trump as a human being.

you misunderstand. or maybe you’re just arguing for argument’s sake.

Fuck being fair. Trump wasn’t going to stop being a greedy asshole after he became a fucking world leader. That’s gaslighting, and believing he was going to change was, to put it lightly, severely misguided.

Unabashed pussy grabber, childish name caller, woefully ignorant on basic current event issues, violence inciting, delusionally egotistical, scamming...

but why did we have to give trump a chance when the trumpers never gave obama a chance? nah, i don’t owe trump shit. he made it pretty clear while campaigning exactly the type of man he is and the president he would be.

I love Chappelle, but Trump proved that he’s a wildly inconsistent, bizarre, childish man with impulse control issues before he was elected.

When a person seeks and is given a job by appealing to the country’s racist, misogynist, xenophobic id, you should definitely be embarrassed if you said “Let’s give him a chance.” Hell, I think people should be embarrassed when they offered the bullshit platitude that they wished him success despite the fact that they

When I was in my 2o’s, I had a cute butt, perky tits and tiny waist. (But no silicone tits right under my chin.) Now I’m almost 67. After two pregnancies and a hard bout with breast cancer 18 year ago, I have a saggy ass, thick waist, poochy tummy and lopsided boobs. I still go to the gym to increase my muscle mass,

There are exactly two movies in this franchise worth a goddamn: Alien and Aliens. They are both very different types from each other, which is kind of unusual. The original Alien is a horror story set to a scifi backdrop, whereas Aliens is more of your typical military science fiction “Ender’s Game” “Star Wars”

Before ACA, my dad had lung cancer. He was convinced he was going to die so he decided not to treat and leave my mom in horrible debt. He died in the middle of the night after not being able to move off the couch for three weeks. No pain meds. No hospital stay. Nothing but my mom sleeping on the other couch watching