I think at this point everything Schilling says is to appeal to those racist Trump voters in Mass who he hopes might put in office later when he goes up against Elizabeth Warren.
I think at this point everything Schilling says is to appeal to those racist Trump voters in Mass who he hopes might put in office later when he goes up against Elizabeth Warren.
Worst part is Schilling isn’t even from fucking Boston.
🎶 Just another dick and a wall 🎶
TED Talks and podcasts are another way of how I diversify my own information bias
Hillary: I take full responsibility for the mistakes my campaign made. Also, there were external forces that shifted the final vote.
This may just be my existential despair talking, but most of the time I feel like nothing she could have done would have made a difference. We still would have ended up with the Cheeto in Chief because everybody is sexist and racist and life is terrible and we’re all going to die.
So I think a) you need a clear, defined message, and a simple one. And b) you need someone who—and I hate to say this—but you need someone that doesn’t have as much history and baggage that they cart with them onto the campaign trail.
You can live a healthy life and still get cancer. Or MS or ALS, or several other diseases. Or, you know, get in a car accident.
Dear Shygurl,
Coulter’s not doing it to start a dialogue but to troll the left so she and other conservatives can claim to be “victimized” by a bunch of PC SJW’s. It’s just a stunt. to feed the Right’s constant diet of resentment. Besides, does anyone really think Anne Coulter has anything of value to say anyways?
He engaged in (some manner of unconventional sex act) with (non-human animal/completely inappropriate human animal) while at (some Trump property), attending a conference sponsored by (right wing organization which firmly denounces the sex act in question).
Of course they have that right. It’s private property. They can restrict who can come in and out. Ann Coulter can’t just walk into a lecture hall and start talking because she feels like it. Time, place, and manner restrictions exist even for the government. The first amendment gives you the right to not be…
“They can’t stop me,” she said. “I’m an American. I have constitutional rights.”
The comments over on Gizmodo are depressing AF. To paraphrase, the elderly doctor deserved it, should not have raised his voice, should have just used his “cell phone to re-book patients from his hotel room,” and that this whole incident has been entirely blown out of proportion.
If they really did run an algorithm to come up with 4 randomly selected people and this guy, an actual fucking doctor, said I have patients to see then United could have run it again and gotten someone with relatively less obligations back home to get off the flight. I’ve never flown United but it’s stories like this…
Does United not have a single PR person? Someone, anyone who could put some platitudes on cue cards and shove this guy in front of the camera? One of the cops is already being investigated, how hard would it be for United to do the whole “we are deeply disturbed by the incident and will look into it” song and dance?…
In 1973 the Washington Post won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of Watergate.
You know what prevents affairs? Not sleeping with someone who isn’t your partner. Pence setting that boundary makes it seem like he’s an animal who can’t be trusted to make decisions and just can’t help himself when any woman is around. Or that all women are so eager to climb on top of him that he couldn’t possibly be…
So if I’m to understand this, this guy already paid for a ticket and was seated, but the airline wanted to give his seat to an employee??? How is this possibly the procedure???
It shouldn’t have to be said, but I will say it anyway: If you voted for Trump because you “just didn’t like Hillary,” I will never fucking forgive you.