
Who the fuck did that horrible, awful interview?!
“Listen, baby, after you lost to Sharapova 15 years ago, I asked Donald Trump about it and he said he wanted to fuck the blonde girl who looked like his daughter and that her being so smoking hot intimidated you, an ugly person. True?”
I mean...Jesus fucking christ.

Wow there are a lot of aggressively shitty commenters here. I’m kind of surprised there are people who don’t grasp that people can be pressured to do things they don’t want to do. They might not be able to do anything about it legally but that doesn’t mean there are no emotional and psychological effects. People can

Not going to change your mind which is fine.
I’d only like to confirm that the author is not “revoking” consent, rather, as I understood it, she’s saying that consent was granted with great internal reservation.

Try rereading the piece from a non-defensive viewpoint. The author is simply stating that consent is a murkier concept than our collective discussion about it often implies and that all of us who are sexually active should be aware of that and act appropriately. She’s not accusing anyone of rape...she’s accusing past

You missed the whole point of this article.

My god, please, please go away.