
Who else is ready for a chair bomber or a restroom bomber? For one, I never liked sitting or being able to relieve myself after a couple dixie cups of Amstel Light.

video games are known to the state of california to be flamable

@CodeJanitor: its a formidable guitar; stings the eardrums

@sunspot72: everyone knows anal-probed zombies are UNDERworked

@p4w4rr10r: some people are soccer fans

Its obvious he/she is using the "death grip." So we know, even IF you could communicate without towers, her phone probably has no bars. Not to mention the roaming fees that would be tacked on to his/her plan.

@Kilgore Trout: my rule of thumb is never fly American Airlines. They always seem to be the ones with the issues

Working at TSA is like working at McDonalds. (If you couldnt already tell). I once, in DC, had my 1" plastic molded Glock keychain taken away due to "security concerns."

I always buy cow. Nothing like some good ol' USDA-Prime tennis racket strings and plywood.

@AreWeThereYeti: exactly. but it only makes more sense when, after the conversion, i had some extra pieces that just got thrown away

Meh. Everyone has done this before. Personally, ive turned the Lego School House into a Lego Abortion Clinic.

Mission Control is a must-have for all the open windows running tube sites. But with the touch interface, im hesitent to use anyones computer

Thats amazing. But when we transfer to digital media as a whole, the "How its made" will be pretty boring. But not as boring as work.

The monthly bill comes between 2 slices of postmarked wheat. The one time paperless billing is out of the question.

Finally, something more comfortable than those ear buds!

if you look closely at 0:33, you can see my food order spilling all over the road

Its an ancient chinese pregnancy test

He should panel the outside of the case to match the inside of his house. And im guessing put the case on blocks to match the outside