
Shut up pot head.

I'm nobodies enemy either. I'm an enemy of certain ideologies.


All those dudes were also virulently anti Christian and loved them some socialism/communism, so if we're playing the guilt by believing one thing they believe card, then you're far more like them and it's far more damning for your side.

I genuinely mean it if that's what you mean. Who cares about Karl Rove?

Just like the one where you call us teabaggers means you want our balls in your mouth.

I was wondering how long it'd take you simpletons to throw around the "phobe" word. Yes I'm deathly afraid of homosexuals. I'm also a serial sarcasm user.

I hate your ideology. I don't care about you.

It's not the asking. It's the bullying and shame fests when refused. It's stripping people's livelihood and forcing them into expensive litigation. It's bullying networks if they consider people who've spoken Christian sentiments at some point in their lives. It's the Orwellian witch hunt you're on.

It may be. And you'll just be thrilled when us stupid Christians are forced to act against our will. Funny we never wish that on anyone.

I'm a member of no political party. I am simply sick of you social fascists shoving this down people's throats and demanding acceptance of the behaviors. Then you bully people if they refuse. I'm sick of bullies.

If only I'd been here before and banned I'd wear it as a badge of honor.

You sound insane, which isn't surprising for the typical lib group think victim.

You gonna cry like any good ignoramus lib now?

Actually it's not "shitty" at all. What's shitty is you ass clown social fascists shoving your shit down our throats daily.

Basic equality? F&#$ you and your fascistic social agenda.