
If a women is talking to you, making direct eye contact, perhaps even laughing at your jokes, that doesn't mean she wants to sex you.

That's true. But just because I assume a woman likes me, does not mean the thought in my head is 'Holy shit I have a boner. Let me sex her.' Assuming a woman likes me is the simplest way for my stupid man brain to be aware that 'Holy shit, this may be my chance. Act cool and don't blow it.'

I would love some detail on where I went wrong.

And, then I reply being an a-hole. I'm sorry. Thanks for the help.

Fuck. Now I got all passive-aggressive. I'm sorry. Thanks for helping.

Yeah, assuming every girl likes you, to me, means being ready to turn on the charm. Not, 'are you dtf?'

Ohhh, wait, you were being sarcastic with a shade of passive-aggression. I'm sure the accurate and helpful lesson you were trying to impart would be more impactful if you tried being polite when pointing out a stranger's ignorance.

If you look further down in the thread, you will see someone corrected me. I appreciate the heads up. Unless you were being passive-aggressive, in which case: there was a nice way to say that.

I got a helpful comment from a woman further down in the thread. Appreciate the heads up, tho.

I'm sorry for saying 'females.' I definitely would like to avoid being a sexist douchebag because of word choice. Or really any reason. Those guys suck.

OK. That's pretty clever.

Because it is so hard to find a female who is attracted to us that we are forced to assume they all are just so we don't miss an opportunity.

"It gives me incredible energy I don't get from other food and drinks," Anthony from Queens told "I don't believe in steroids or other energy supplements, none of that garbage. I want natural stuff that's God-given, and if it's okay with moms looking to get rid of it, I'll take it."

I gave you a kidney and you can't even walk the dog!

Imagine discovering that it was actually a veterinarian who regularly ripped the heads off of puppies and crushed their skulls.

Manners, Michael!