
I wonder how the new ford fusion sport is doing, if not well, I don’t think this will either. It certainly would have to be cheaper than the fusion. What they should have built is a low-cost alternative to the sq5, macan, and f-pace, in the performance small suv market.

As a person living in a major city that gets snow and likes to do outdoorsy stuff, and still do 0-60 under 6 seconds, these type of cars (sq5, macan, f-pace) are definitely appealing. One major issue is that they tend to be wider than small cars, which sucks on narrow city roads where people rarely stay in their lanes.

Am I the only one who has never owned a manual, but still likes to rest my hand on the shifter and use it?

Cadillac lost me when my 2005 CTS basically turned into a lemon. Then again when they added glass buttons to the newer ones.

I’m surprised they have all these ideal camera angles at their disposal, makes me think it was staged. Also don’t understand why the driver started off the race by turning the steering wheel to the right.

I really hope Mustang insurance doesn’t go up because of all this hype.

Another reason I prefer analog cars. If your insurance doesn’t cover it, you’re looking at a $3,000 fix instead of $500.

Convertibles are great for visibility, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable driving with the top down in a major city. Way too easy for the crazies to access you in a vulnerable state.

$150 a month for maintenance on top of whatever the car payment is doesn’t sound too bad for that type of car. I couldn’t tell if he did all the work himself though...

This x1000. All the autonomous technology aint worth shit if the bridge you’re on collapses into the river. Of course this requires no work or money on their part, and it gives them control over your vehicle, so they are all for it.

It will be a sad day when you can’t get an NA V8. Even if they are able to get rid of the lag of turbos, the sound will never be as good.

It also has to do with the fact that it has become a meme, so now whenever people see something like this, it gets distributed. Kind of like the clown thing a few months ago.

I’ve been watching the old seasons using netflix hard copy dvds, are these the “real” episodes or same as Amazon streaming? I compared a couple episodes and the music seemed the same, but I noticed the Polar special was 10 minutes longer on the dvd.

Well I mean it would be much more convenient to just have your concubines drive you around instead of a chauffeur.

Could you guys do a follow up to these articles showing what the people actually ending up getting, and what they think of it?

I can easily see someone driving away with their head out the window to a location where they can safely remove it.

Holds the frame together.

The only type of racing thing I’ve done so far is an autocross driving school. I would recommend doing that before a track day because at a good autocross course you are limited to how fast you can go, and you don’t have to worry about walls.

Unfortunate but not surprising. I found the v6 to perform and sound much better than the turbo.

I’ve gotten use to my 2016 Mustang, but they were also smart enough to include fish eye mirrors on each side view mirror instead of stupid sensors. I’d rather see with my own eyes than blindly trust a camera/sensor.