
@ps61318: Also to mention once someone puts it "out there" Google cache grabs it and it's out there for good.

It's always hilarious when the companies that dismiss privacy are the companies who are worst at keeping our information secure.

I like the fluff, but it needs to be cut down by about half second.

This will be interesting.

@ddhboy: Agreed, The Sun is a unreliable news source at best. Perfect example of not believing everything you read on the internet.

@Christian Lindfors: The dignity you have left after the pre-flight groping, scanning, removal of shoes, and profiling all in the name of security?

I hope this leads to a new update to Cydia's ui and navigation speeds.

I guess someone has finally replaced apple as the new jerk on the block.

@styfle: Farmville is a free (crappy) game for ya, enjoy!

@Denver: Or when your pillows send you fines for tearing their tags off.

"Ok, so what do we do now?"

George Costanza was ten times the hand model we see here.

This is almost as popular as an Apple vs. Google post, almost.

I love Warehouse 13 but I have such a hard time overlooking Myka's upper lip, there is just something weird going on with that. It's puffy and crinkly at the same time, especially the upper right side (her left).

Just to mention it is a pretty limited catalog of shows that they are offering, just 10 pages and many are duplicates SD and HD for the same season.

Holding the Navy "Hostage" for 3.3 billion, was my idea.

Before entering the elevator all of the characters will be exposed to something very ordinary, ordinary enough that the audience wont pick up on it. This ordinary thing will be contaminated, such as salmonella eggs.

I've always felt that if I use the app for over an hour its 99 cents well spent.

Rod Serling is the Mad Men of the Sci-fi world.