
I find it really odd the people insist on making heroes and villains out of these companies. What Apple is trying to do is make the most money it can by allowing companies to sell through their store and Epic is trying to find a way to make the most money it can selling through Apple’s store or not selling through it.

It was never seen flying and their is no reason to believe it is capable of flying, so why call it a UFO? Why not call it a USO (unidentified sailing object), or (unidentified sunken object) if you're going to attach superfluous names to it.

"If you're sat there incredulously assuming that anyone getting that wrong is a dumb-ass, hear this: more than 50 percent of students at Harvard, Princeton, and M.I.T. give the incorrect answer."

Here's one a made a few years ago, it's not sci-fi but its lego.

Why is there an obvious cut (11:07:34), just before the cut the car is in front the the "bike" and ready to pull him over, after the cut the car is behind the "bike". Shouldn't we have seen the result of that confrontation? Wasn't it important since he should have been got at that point.

There is so much wrong with this video.

Watch the movie, I did. It actually paints the people from Staten Island in a very favorable light. Many good people organized and worked hard to look for the missing children. It's a good documentary and worth the watch.

I wholeheartedly agree, I felt compelled to say something when they were listing Daily Mail polls as science in previous posts, and they've done it more than once. Most things I'll let slide, but science reporting is just so poor from the general media, and coming from a tech blog just makes it more sad.

Its not bad science, it's bad interpretation of science. Most media writers don't understand that science studies are just a part of the process, not the end all be all. It takes multiple studies, crosschecking, debate, a consensus, before we can come to a firm conclusion. If we don't fallow through we fall into the

Goes to show commentors need to f'ing relax around here, mistakes happen, then they are fixed.

Emily is actually Isabella's other personality! ahhhh

this is an excellent astronomy blog

I'm really surprised how hauntingly beautiful Fringe's theme song really is, this is the first time I've really listened to it beyond the 15 seconds you hear on the regular show.

Please stop categorizing Daily Mail articles under science. They are far from anything remotely scientific.

I kept waiting for the joke, then I realized this was a serious news item.

If he's not sitting on a throne (as a glimpse into his future) its not a Conan movie.

The Skeptics' Guide To The Universe - An enlightening and humorous podcast if you interested in exploring the world from the scientific point of view.

I thought the same until I added up the costs of all those other programs.

I've read the thread that you're referring too and come to the conclusion that you're and idiot. Now, from your post you clearly do not think of yourself as an idiot. I suspect that most of your friends think of you as an idiot, but are too nice to say it to your face. Here at Giz you will not be coddled, if you post

I agree, I'm Star Wars to death. Let's bury that mule. Since Star Wars I can think of a hundred great Sci-Fi books, Movies, TV shows. Let's support the new generation of authors.